首页> 外文期刊>Chromatographia >Improved separation of poly(butylene glycol) oligomers on a C-18 column by gradient reversed-phase liquid chromatography and fine-tuning of the organic modifier system

Improved separation of poly(butylene glycol) oligomers on a C-18 column by gradient reversed-phase liquid chromatography and fine-tuning of the organic modifier system


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Poly(butylene glycol) (PBG) samples of widely differing molecular weight (M), either in the native form or as the corresponding alpha, omega-bis(1-naphthyl)urethane derivatives, have been subjected to reversed-phase highperformance liquid chromatography (gRPHPLC) on an octadecylsilyl (C-18) silica gel stationary phase with mobile phase gradients comprising binary eluent systems prepared from tetrahydrofuran (THF) and water and from acetone and water, and with ternary systems prepared from acetonitrile, THF and water and from methanol, THF and water. Because of the lack of a chromophore in the PBG they were detected both by evaporative light-scattering detection (ELSD) and, after conversion to the alpha, omega-bis(1-naphthyl)urethane derivatives with 1-naphthylisocyanate, by UV monitoring at 280 nm. In general, sufficient resolution of the oligomers of low-M samples, i.e. PEG 650 and PEG 1000, was achieved with all the gradient systems used, and resolution increased in the order acetone-water < THF-water < methanol-THF-water < acetonitrile-THF-water. Whereas the difference between chromatographic resolution (R-S) was relatively moderate for PEG 650 and PEG 1000 for all the solvent-non-solvent combinations used, values were much larger for the high-M samples PEG 2000 and PEG 3000 either in the native form or as their alpha, omega-bis(1-naphthyl)urethane derivatives. No separation of the high-M oligomers of PEG 3000 was obtained with acetone-water and THF-water gradients and a common signal envelope was observed for these sample constituents. In contrast, acetonitrile-THF-water and methanol-THF-water ternary gradients effected satisfactory resolution of large amounts of oligomers and more than 70 oligomer peaks were recognizable. Chromatographic resolution (R-S) of high-M oligomer was markedly better with acetonitrile-THF-water than with methanol-THF-water. Use of the alpha, omega-bis(1-naphthyl)urethane derivative of PEG 2000 as model component for fluorescence detection, with excitation and emission wavelengths of 232 and 358 nm, respectively, resulted in either improved detection sensitivity or much cleaner chromatograms and thus better selectivity compared with measurement of UV response at 280 nm. The effect of the different mobile-phase systems on the separations of these solutes is explained in terms of distribution of the salute molecules between the bulk mobile phase and the hydrophobic network of C-18 chains, bound to the surface of the silica gel base material. In this respect, the eluent strength of an organic modifier increases with increasing solubility and/or solvation characteristics, in particular for the high-M fractions. It had nevertheless, to be taken into consideration that solvents that were too "good" afforded efficient sample elution on the one hand but markedly impaired oligomer resolution on the other, as shown by separation of the high-M sample constituents by binary THF-water and acetone-water gradients. [References: 28]
机译:分子量(M)相差很大的聚(丁二醇)(PBG)样品,无论是天然形式还是相应的α,ω-双(1-萘基)氨基甲酸酯衍生物,都已进行了反相高效液相色谱分析(gRPHPLC)在十八烷基甲硅烷基(C-18)硅胶固定相上进行流动相梯度洗脱,其中包含由四氢呋喃(THF)和水以及由丙酮和水制得的二元洗脱液系统,以及由乙腈,THF和水以及由乙腈制得的三元系统甲醇,四氢呋喃和水。由于PBG中缺少发色团,因此既可以通过蒸发光散射检测(ELSD)进行检测,也可以通过将其转化为具有1-萘基异氰酸酯的ω-双-(1-萘基)氨基甲酸酯衍生物,并通过UV监测进行检测。 280纳米通常,使用所有梯度系统,都可以实现低M样品的低聚物(即PEG 650和PEG 1000)的足够分离度,并且分离度按丙酮-水



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