首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Immunology: Official Journal of the American Association of Immunologists >IL-12 produced by antigen-presenting cells induces IL-2-independent proliferation of T helper cell clones.

IL-12 produced by antigen-presenting cells induces IL-2-independent proliferation of T helper cell clones.


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We investigated the role of IL-12 in proliferation of various Th cell clones (class II-alloreactive (4-86 and 4-55) and keyhole limpet hemocyanin + self I-Ek-reactive (9-16)) following stimulation with Ag on APCs. These clones proliferated in response to stimulation with rIL-2, rIL-12, or Ag/APC. The proliferation induced by Ag/APC stimulation was not affected by anti-IL-2 Ab but was markedly inhibited by anti-IL-12 Abs. Consistent with this finding was the absence of detectable IL-2 activity in culture supernatants 12 to 48 h after Ag/APC stimulation, and the detection of significant levels of IL-12 in an Ab-capture bioassay. IL-12 was produced within 12 h after Ag/APC stimulation, reaching a peak after 18 to 24 h. The production of IL-12 in cultures of Th clones and APC contrasted with the production of IL-2 but not IL-12 upon allostimulation of primary T cells and the inhibition of their proliferation exclusively by anti-IL-2 Abs. Analysis of the expression of IL-12-binding sites on Th cells revealed low levels of IL-12 receptors in resting Th clones but high IL-12R levels 2 to 3 days after Ag/APC stimulation, declining gradually thereafter. The changes in IL-12R expression levels correlated closely with the IL-12 responsiveness of Th populations at various times after Ag/APC stimulation; Th populations obtained 3 and 10 days after Ag/APC stimulation exhibited very high and weak or marginal responsiveness to rIL-12, respectively, whereas the responses to rIL-2 were comparable in both Th populations. These results indicate that the Ag/APC-stimulated proliferation of terminally differentiated Th clones, in contrast to naive T cells, depends on the production of IL-12 by APC and on the simultaneous up-regulation of IL-12R on Th cells rather than on an IL-2 autocrine mechanism.
机译:我们研究了Ag刺激后IL-12在各种Th细胞克隆(II类-同种反应性(4-86和4-55)和匙孔血蓝蛋白+自身I-Ek反应性(9-16))增殖中的作用。在APC上。这些克隆响应rIL-2,rIL-12或Ag / APC的刺激而增殖。 Ag / APC刺激诱导的增殖不受抗IL-2 Ab的影响,但受到抗IL-12 Abs的显着抑制。与该发现一致的是,在Ag / APC刺激后12至48小时,培养上清液中没有可检测到的IL-2活性,并且在Ab捕获生物测定中检测到显着水平的IL-12。 IL-12在Ag / APC刺激后12小时内产生,在18至24 h后达到峰值。 Th克隆和APC培养物中IL-12的产生与原代T细胞的同种刺激以及仅由抗IL-2 Abs抑制其增殖时的IL-2产生但与IL-12产生相反。对Th细胞上IL-12结合位点表达的分析表明,Ag / APC刺激后2至3天,静止的Th克隆中IL-12受体水平较低,但IL-12R水平较高,此后逐渐下降。在Ag / APC刺激后的不同时间,IL-12R表达水平的变化与Th种群的IL-12反应性密切相关。 Ag / APC刺激后第3天和第10天获得的Th种群分别对rIL-12表现出非常高和弱或微弱的响应,而在两个Th种群中对rIL-2的响应均相当。这些结果表明,与天然T细胞相比,Ag / APC刺激的终末分化Th克隆的增殖依赖于APC产生IL-12以及依赖于Th细胞上IL-12R的同时上调而不是在IL-2自分泌机制上。



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