首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >Calyx-end splitting and physico-chemical properties of 'Pacific Rose'~(TM) apple as affected by orchard management factors

Calyx-end splitting and physico-chemical properties of 'Pacific Rose'~(TM) apple as affected by orchard management factors

机译:果园管理因素对'Pacific Rose'〜(TM)苹果花萼末端分裂和理化特性的影响

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Calyx-end splitting (CES) is a preharvest quality defect that affects 'Pacific Rose'~(TM) apple. This paper reports the results of a study to determine the effects of orchard management factors on fruit physico-chemical properties and the development of CES in 'Pacific Rose'~(TM) apple. The onset of fruit splitting occurred at about 20 weeks after full bloom (WAFB). Withholding irrigation from 14 WAFB until commercial harvest (26 WAFB) reduced splitting incidence by 46%, whereas low crop load significantly increased splitting by over 61%. There was no consistent significant effect of crop load irrigation treatment on total soluble solids (TSS), penetrometer or compression measurement of fruit firmness during the season, although withholding irrigation and high crop load generally enhanced fruit firmness.
机译:花萼末端开裂(CES)是收获前的品质缺陷,会影响'Pacific Rose'〜(TM)苹果。本文报告了一项研究结果,以确定果园管理因素对'Pacific Rose'〜(TM)苹果果实理化特性和CES发育的影响。果实分裂开始于盛开(WAFB)后约20周。从14 WAFB停止灌溉直到商业收获(26 WAFB)减少了46%的劈裂发生率,而低的农作物负荷显着增加了超过61%的劈裂率。尽管节水灌溉和高作物负荷通常会增强水果硬度,但在该季节中,作物负荷灌溉处理对总可溶性固形物(TSS),针入度计或水果硬度的压缩测量没有持续的显着影响。



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