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Shareholders' Reserve Powers: Implied Terms and Public Policy


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It is a modem orthodoxy of company law that a company's management power is usually vested exclusively in its board of directors. Shareholders may not, therefore, interfere with business decisions unless specifically empowered to do so by statute or the company's constitution. What is less clear, however, is whether shareholders are nevertheless vested with reserve or residual powers of management when the board is the primary organ for making management decisions. At common law, a handful of authorities affirm the existence of such residual power. But the juridical basis of such power is by no means clear. Against that backdrop, it is significant that the Singapore Court of Appeal has recently confirmed in Chan Siew Lee v TYC Investment Pte Ltd (TYC Investment) that shareholders do have residual or reserve management power when the board is deadlocked. Such power is conferred on shareholders by a term implied in the company's constitution on the basis of necessity or business efficacy. This article examines the reasoning in TYC Investment. It observes that although the court had identified the issue of reserve powers as one sounding in contract alone, its analysis is ultimately of a hybrid nature that takes on board both contractual as well as public policy concerns. This approach aptly reflects the complex nature of the company's internal workings and warns against a reductionist approach that tackles the issue from a monolithic (contractual) perspective. Before proceeding to consider the facts of holding of the case, it is helpful to first recapitulate the principles and rationale relating to the division of power between the board and shareholders.
机译:公司的管理权通常完全归属于董事会,这是公司法的现代观念。因此,除非法令或公司章程明确授权,否则股东不得干预业务决策。然而,尚不清楚的是,当董事会是做出管理决策的主要机构时,股东是否仍享有储备或剩余的管理权。在普通法上,少数权威机构确认存在这种剩余权力。但是,这种权力的司法基础尚不明确。在这种背景下,重要的是,新加坡上诉法院最近在Chan Siew Lee诉TYC Investment Pte Ltd(TYC Investment)中确认,当董事会陷入僵局时,股东确实具有剩余或储备管理权。该权力是根据必要性或业务效力通过公司章程中所隐含的术语赋予股东的。本文研究了TYC Investment中的推理。它指出,尽管法院将保留权力的问题确定为仅在合同中一项涉及的问题,但它的分析最终是混合性的,既涉及合同问题也涉及公共政策问题。这种方法恰当地反映了公司内部工作的复杂性质,并警告不要采用从整体(合同)角度解决问题的简化派方法。在着手考虑案件的事实之前,先概括一下与董事会和股东之间的权力分配有关的原则和理由是有帮助的。



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