首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of adolescent health: official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine >Premenstrual dysphoric disorder in adolescents: case reports of treatment with fluoxetine and review of the literature.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder in adolescents: case reports of treatment with fluoxetine and review of the literature.


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Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a periodic, recurrent, debilitating condition with severe psychological or affective symptoms during the late luteal phase. PMDD often begins during adolescence. Dysregulation of the serotonergic system has been proposed recently as its cause and fluoxetine has been recommended as an appropriate treatment. We report 3 adolescents with PMDD who were treated for 2 years with fluoxetine, resulting in complete symptom resolution, and review the clinical trials supporting its use. Case reports of successfully treated teenagers are an addition to the accumulated evidence of the efficacy of fluoxetine for treatment of PMDD in adult women. Together they may provide some justification for the compassionate use of fluoxetine for adolescent girls who are being disabled by PMDD. However, more research is called for: a randomized placebo-controlled trial in adolescents is warranted.
机译:经前烦躁不安(PMDD)是一种周期性的,反复发作的,使人衰弱的疾病,在黄体后期有严重的心理或情感症状。 PMDD通常在青春期开始。最近有人提出了血清素能系统失调的原因,并已推荐氟西汀作为适当的治疗方法。我们报告了3名PMDD青少年,他们接受氟西汀治疗2年,导致症状完全缓解,并回顾了支持其使用的临床试验。成功治疗的青少年的病例报告是氟西汀治疗成年女性PMDD疗效的累积证据的补充。他们在一起可能为在PMDD致残的少女中富有同情心地使用氟西汀提供一些依据。但是,需要进行更多的研究:有必要在青少年中进行随机安慰剂对照试验。



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