首页> 外文期刊>The International journal of eating disorders >Who is providing what type of psychotherapy to eating disorder clients? A survey.

Who is providing what type of psychotherapy to eating disorder clients? A survey.


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OBJECTIVE: Little is known about the psychotherapies delivered to eating-disordered clients by community therapists. We sought to describe the education and training of psychotherapists working with eating-disordered clients, the psychotherapeutic approaches used, and the reasons for use. METHOD: Eligible Calgary clinicians were identified and asked to complete a 25-item telephone interview. RESULTS: The response rate was 74%. Educational backgrounds and fields of specialization of clinicians who completed the survey (n = 52) varied widely, as did the psychotherapies used. The most common primary therapeutic orientations of respondents were eclectic therapy (50%), cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT; 33%), and addiction-based therapy (6%). Most clinicians (87%) reported frequently using CBT techniques with eating-disordered clients. The reasons given for using primary therapeutic approaches varied by clinicians' preferred therapeutic approach and education level. CONCLUSION: Clinicians generally choose to tailor treatment to individual needs rather than base decisions on the level of empirical support. These findings have implications for dissemination of empirically supported psychotherapies.
机译:目的:人们对社区治疗师向饮食失调的患者提供的心理治疗知之甚少。我们试图描述与饮食紊乱的客户一起工作的心理治疗师的教育和培训,所使用的心理治疗方法以及使用原因。方法:确定合格的卡尔加里临床医生,并要求其完成25个项目的电话采访。结果:回应率为74%。完成调查的临床医生的教育背景和专业领域(n = 52)和所使用的心理治疗方法差异很大。受访者最常见的主要治疗方向是折衷疗法(50%),认知行为疗法(CBT; 33%)和基于成瘾的疗法(6%)。大多数临床医生(87%)报告说,经常在饮食紊乱的患者中使用CBT技术。使用主要治疗方法的原因因临床医生偏爱的治疗方法和教育程度而异。结论:临床医生通常选择根据个人需求量身定制治疗方案,而不是根据经验支持水平做出决定。这些发现对经验支持的心理治疗的传播具有影响。



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