首页> 外文期刊>The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction >Treatment of postpartum anestrus Sahiwal cows on the basis of VMI and ultrasonography using single injection of GnRH

Treatment of postpartum anestrus Sahiwal cows on the basis of VMI and ultrasonography using single injection of GnRH


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Four postpartum anestrus Sahiwal cows which has not shown the signs of estrus even three months after parturition and having no corpus luteum in one of the ovaries at two examination made by rectal palpation 11 days apart were selected. Ovaries of allthe animals were monitored at 4 days interval for 24 days by the use of Real-time B-mode ultrasonography machine. Vaginal mucus impedance (VMI) was monitored daily with help of vaginal probe and impedance meter for 24 days. Correlation between VMI and follicular diameter was found to be negative and significant (r = -0.83, P< 0.01). On this basis treatment was instituted at lowest possible probe reading in individual animals using aqueous solution of synthetic analogue of GnRH i.e. Busereline acetate,20 mu g (Receptal~(R), Sml marketed by Intervet Laboratories Ltd., Pune) after 24 days of monitoring in cows showing a clear increasing and decreasing trend in VMI. Two animals with VMI values of 21 and 25 showed external signs of estrus at days 19 and 21 post treatment respectively. Other two animals with lowest VMI values of 20 and 25 did not show external signs of estrus but one was suspected to be in silent estrus as indicated by decreasing probe reading. The changes in VMI between pretreatment andpost treatment period were significant (P< 0.05). The interval between injection and induction was 16.25±2.10 days. It was indicated from the present study that treatment of postpartum anestrus cows with single injection of GnRH on the basis of VMI andovarian ultrasonography may give satisfactory response.
机译:选择四只产后发情期Sahiwal母牛,即使分娩后三个月也没有发情迹象,并且在隔11天经直肠触诊进行的两次检查中其中一个卵巢中没有黄体。通过使用实时B型超声检查仪以4天的间隔监测所有动物的卵巢,持续24天。每天借助阴道探针和阻抗计监测阴道粘液阻抗(VMI),持续24天。发现VMI与卵泡直径之间的相关为负且显着(r = -0.83,P <0.01)。在此基础上,使用GnRH的合成类似物的水溶液,即20μg乙酸布塞林乙酸酯(Intercept Laboratories Ltd.出售,Sml),在GnRH的合成类似物的水溶液中以最低的探针读数对动物进行治疗。母牛的监测显示VMI有明显的上升和下降趋势。 VMI值分别为21和25的两只动物在治疗后第19天和21天分别表现出发情的外部症状。 VMI值最低的20和25的其他两只动物没有表现出发情的外部迹象,但是据探针读数降低显示,怀疑其中一只处于发情期。治疗前和治疗后期间VMI的变化具有显着性(P <0.05)。注射和诱导之间的间隔是16.25±2.10天。从目前的研究表明,在VMI和卵巢超声检查基础上,单次注射GnRH可以治疗产后发情的奶牛,其效果可能令人满意。



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