首页> 外文期刊>The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction >Ovarian activity and vaginal resistance in postpartum anestrus Sahiwal cows

Ovarian activity and vaginal resistance in postpartum anestrus Sahiwal cows


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Postpartum anestrus Sahiwal cows (n=4) which had not shown the signs of estrus three months after parturition and did not show presence of corpus luteum in one of the ovary at two examinations made by rectal palpation 11 days apart were selected for present investigation. Ovaries of all the experimental animals were monitored at 4 days interval for 24 days by the use of Real time B-mode ultrasonography (Scanner 200 EMC/Pie Medical) for the development of ovarian follicle with 5 Mhz transducer. On each examination the diameter of the largest follicle in each ovary was measured. Vaginal mucus impedance was measured daily for 24 days with the help of vaginal probe and impedance meter. The mean follicular diameter at days 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 were3.9±0.60, 6.72±1.60, 5.57±1.89, 6.72±1.75, 8.6±0.67, 7.97±0.65 and 10.23±0.87 mm respectively. Changes in VMI indicated a clear increasing and decreasing pattern at a very short interval with very high individual variation. Correlation (r) between VMI and follicular diameter was negative and significant (r = -0.83 P < 0.01). It was concluded by the present investigation that ovarian activity in prolonged postpartum anestrus cow has negative correlation of VMI with follicular diameter. VMI couldbe a cost and time effective means to determine the ovarian functional status in true anestrus postpartum animals, which are beyond the reach of rectal palpation.
机译:选择产后发情的Sahiwal母牛(n = 4),在分娩后三个月未显示发情迹象,并且在隔11天经直肠触诊进行的两次检查中,其中一个卵巢中未显示黄体存在。通过使用实时B型超声检查(Scanner 200 EMC / Pie Medical)以5 Mhz换能器监测所有实验动物的卵巢,每隔4天监测一次,持续24天。在每次检查中,测量每个卵巢中最大卵泡的直径。每天用阴道探针和阻抗计测量阴道粘液阻抗24天。在第0、4、8、12、16、20和24天的平均卵泡直径分别为3.9±0.60、6.72±1.60、5.57±1.89、6.72±1.75、8.6±0.67、7.97±0.65和10.23±0.87 mm 。 VMI的变化表明,在很短的时间间隔内,明显的上升和下降模式,且个体间的变化非常大。 VMI与卵泡直径之间的相关性(r)为负且显着(r = -0.83 P <0.01)。本研究得出结论,延长产后发情期母牛的卵巢活动与卵泡直径与VMI呈负相关。 VMI可能是一种成本和时间有效的方法,可以确定真正的产后动物的卵巢功能状态,这是直肠触诊无法达到的。



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