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Development of Regional Flood Frequency Relationships using L-Moments for Lower Narmada and Tapi Subzone 3(b)


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For planning, development and sustainable management of water resources, applications of advance methodologies are essential for prediction of magnitudes of likely occurrence of floods. The L-moments are a recent development within statistics and offer significant advantages over ordinary product moments. Regional flood frequency analysis has been performed using the L-moments approach. Screening of the annual maximum peak flood data has been conducted employing the L-moments based discordancy measure (Di) and homogeneity of a region has is tested using the heterogeneity measure W. Based on the L-moments ratio diagram and |Z{sup}(dist)| Pstatistic criteria, Generalized normal distribution (GNO) has been identified as the robust distribution for the study area. Regional flood frequency relationship has been developed for gauged catchments of the study area, using the robust identified frequency distribution. For estimation of floods of various return periods for ungauged catchments, a regional relationship Between mean annual peak food and catchment area has developed and the same is coupled with the regional food frequency relationship developed for the gauged catchments.
机译:对于水资源的规划,开发和可持续管理,先进方法的应用对于预测洪水可能发生的规模至关重要。 L矩是统计领域内的最新发展,与普通产品时刻相比具有明显的优势。已经使用L矩方法进行了区域洪水频率分析。已使用基于L矩的不一致性测度(Di)筛选了年度最大峰值洪水数据,并使用了非均质性测度W来测试了区域的均匀性。基于L矩比图和| Z {sup} (dist)|统计学标准,广义正态分布(GNO)被确定为研究区域的稳健分布。利用稳健的确定频率分布,已经为研究区域的可测量集水区开发了区域洪水频率关系。为了估算未开垦集水区各种回水期的洪水,已建立了年平均高峰粮食与集水区之间的区域关系,并将其与已测量集水区的区域粮食频率关系结合起来。



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