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Relationship between Rate Constants in Sedimentation of Coal Slurry in Water


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It has been found that the sedimentation phenomenon is a rate governed process which is a combination of a constant rate followed by falling rate period It has earlier been observed that the rate of decrease of interfacial height with time is proportional to the difference between the height at any time and the equilibrium height, raised to the power 0.1. The proportionality constant is termed as the sedimentation rate constant. Considering the limit of the interfacial height as (i) initial and equilibrium height (overall condition), (ii) initial height and critical height (condition of constant rate period), (iii) critical height and equilibrium height (condition of falling rate period), the proportionality constant, are termed as overall rate constant, (K{sub}o); rate constant for constant rate period, (K{sub}c) and falling rate constant, (K{sub}f) respectively. Considering various particle sizes and slurry consistencies, it has been noticed that the magnitude of over-all rate constant can successfully be expressed as the arithmetic mean of the constant and falling rate constants.
机译:已经发现,沉降现象是一个速率控制过程,它是恒定速率与下降速率周期的组合。早先已经观察到,界面高度随时间的减小速率与两点之间的高度差成正比。随时将平衡高度调高至功效0.1。比例常数称为沉降速率常数。考虑界面高度的限制为(i)初始高度和平衡高度(总体条件),(ii)初始高度和临界高度(恒定速率周期的条件),(iii)临界高度和平衡高度(下降速率周期的条件) ),即比例常数,称为总速率常数(K {sub} o);恒定速率周期(K {sub} c)的速率常数和下降速率常数(K {sub} f)。考虑到各种粒径和浆液稠度,已经注意到总速率常数的大小可以成功地表示为常数和下降速率常数的算术平均值。



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