首页> 外文期刊>The British Journal of Nutrition >Effects of safflower seed extract supplementation on oxidation and cardiovascular risk markers in healthy human volunteers

Effects of safflower seed extract supplementation on oxidation and cardiovascular risk markers in healthy human volunteers


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We previously demonstrated that safflower seed extract (SSE) and its major antioxidant constituents, serotonin hydroxycinnamic acid amides, suppressed LDL oxidation in vitro, decreased plasma autoantibody titres to oxidized LDL and attenuated atherosclerotic lesion formation in apoE-deficient mice. In this report, we examined whether SSE, rich in serotonin derivatives, could affect markers of oxidative stress, inflammation and aortic stiffness in healthy human subjects. Twenty Japanese male volunteers were studied at baseline, after 2.1 g SSE supplementation daily (providing 290 mg serotonin derivatives/d) for 4 weeks, and after a 4-week washout period. Significant reductions in circulating oxidized LDL, autoantibody titres to malondialdehyde-modified LDL, the soluble form of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (sVCAM-1), and urinary 8-isoprostane were observed after a 4-week intervention. Although there were no statistically significant differences in blood pressure or brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV), an index of arterial stiffness, baPWV was lower than baseline in eleven of twenty subjects and was accompanied by a reduction in blood pressure. Statistically significant negative correlations were observed between the extent of initial cardiovascular risk markers (autoantibody titres, 8-isoprostane, sVCAM-1 and baPWV) and the effect of intervention. This suggested that individuals with elevated oxidative stress, inflammation, and/or arterial stiffness may receive more benefit from SSE supplementation.
机译:我们以前证明了红花种子提取物(SSE)及其主要抗氧化剂成分,5-羟色胺羟肉桂酸酰胺,在体外抑制LDL氧化,降低血浆自身抗体滴度至氧化的LDL并减弱apoE缺陷小鼠的动脉粥样硬化病变形成。在本报告中,我们检查了富含5-羟色胺衍生物的SSE是否可以影响健康人的氧化应激,炎症和主动脉僵硬的标志物。在基线,每天补充2.1 g SSE(每天提供290 mg 5-羟色胺衍生物)后4周以及经过4周的清除期后,对20名日本男性志愿者进行了基线研究。在经过4周的干预后,观察到循环氧化LDL,丙二醛修饰LDL的自身抗体滴度,血管细胞粘附分子1(sVCAM-1)的可溶形式以及尿液中的8-异前列腺素的显着降低。尽管在血压或臂踝脉搏波速度(baPWV)上没有统计学上的显着差异,但动脉僵硬度指数baPWV在20名受试者中有11名低于基线,并伴有血压降低。初始心血管危险标志物的程度(自身抗体滴度,8-异前列腺素,sVCAM-1和baPWV)与干预效果之间存在统计学上的显着负相关。这表明氧化应激,炎症和/或动脉僵硬程度升高的个体可能会从SSE补充中获得更多益处。



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