首页> 外文期刊>The European respiratory journal : >Assessing the Liverpool Respiratory Symptom Questionnaire in children with cystic fibrosis

Assessing the Liverpool Respiratory Symptom Questionnaire in children with cystic fibrosis


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Monitoring respiratory status in cystic fibrosis (CF) is challenging, particularly in young children. We aimed to test whether the Liverpool Respiratory Symptom Questionnaire (LRSQ) could distinguish well, pre-school and older children with and without CF, whether it could distinguish well and unwell children with CF and, finally, whether LRSQ scores in older children with CF correlated with established measures of disease severity. 20 stable pre-school children with CF had significantly higher total LRSQ scores than 51 preschool controls, and higher scores in two out of eight domains. Similarly, 21 stable 6- to 12-yr-old children with CF had higher total scores than 97 6- to 12-yr-old controls, and higher scores in seven out of eight domains. In older children with CF, LRSQ scores correlated negatively with Shwachman score and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (r= -0.58, p<0.001, n=31; and r= -0.46, p<0.010, n=34, respectively). Within the CF group, patients who cultured Pseudomonas aeruginosa , who used more "back-up" antibiotics or whose school attendance was lower also had higher LRSQ scores. The LRSQ differentiates well children from those with CF in both pre-school and the 6- to 12-yrold age group, even at a point of stability. It also differentiates stable from unwell children with CF, and scores correlate with other measures of respiratory disease, highlighting its potential as a clinical monitoring tool in paediatric CF.
机译:监测囊性纤维化(CF)的呼吸状态具有挑战性,尤其是在幼儿中。我们旨在测试利物浦呼吸系统症状问卷(LRSQ)是否可以区分有CF和无CF的学龄前儿童和大龄儿童,是否可以区分CF良好和不良的儿童,最后,是否可以对CF年龄较大的儿童进行LRSQ评分与确定的疾病严重程度相关。 20名稳定的学龄前儿童CF的总LRSQ得分明显高于51名学龄前儿童的对照,并且在八个领域中有两个领域的得分更高。同样,21位稳定的6至12岁的CF儿童的总得分高于97位6至12岁的对照组,并且在八个领域中有七个得分更高。在CF大的儿童中,LRSQ得分与Shwachman得分和强迫呼气量在1 s内呈负相关(r = -0.58,p <0.001,n = 31; r ​​= -0.46,p <0.010,n = 34) 。在CF组中,培养铜绿假单胞菌,使用更多“备用”抗生素或入学率较低的患者的LRSQ得分也较高。 LRSQ可以使学龄前儿童和6至12岁年龄段的CF儿童与健康儿童区分开,即使是在稳定的时候。它还可以区分稳定儿童和健康儿童的CF,其得分与其他呼吸道疾病指标相关,突出了其作为儿科CF临床监测工具的潜力。



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