首页> 外文期刊>The breast journal >Concordance of the hormone receptors and correlation of HER-2eu overexpression of the metachronous cancers of contralateral breasts.

Concordance of the hormone receptors and correlation of HER-2eu overexpression of the metachronous cancers of contralateral breasts.

机译:对侧乳房异时性癌症的激素受体的一致性和HER-2 / neu过表达的相关性。

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The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the relative prevalence of estrogen receptor-negative contralateral breast cancer to the first primary cancer and to assess the correlation between the relative overexpression of HER-2eu in the first primary cancer and contralateral breast cancer. A total of 144 women diagnosed with cancers in contralateral breasts were identified from the Henry Ford Health System tumor registry. Data were retrieved from electronic databases and medical records. Women were dichotomized into users and nonusers of tamoxifen. Hormone receptors were scored as positive or negative. HER-2eu overexpression, assessed by immunohistochemistry, was scored as 0, 1(+), 2(+), or 3(+). Concordance between hormone receptors of the two cancers was low (kappa = 0.27, p = 0.06). Stratification of women by tamoxifen therapy yielded an almost fivefold increase in the proportion of estrogen receptor-negative cancers among the users, while the proportion of cancers expressing no estrogen receptor remained the same among the nonusers (39.6% versus 40.6%). Matched, archived, paraffin-embedded specimens of the first and contralateral breast cancers were available for 57 women. The correlation between the relative overexpression of HER-2eu between the first primary and the contralateral breast cancer was 0.4 (p = 0.002). The higher prevalence of estrogen receptor-negative contralateral breast cancer among tamoxifen users concurs with previous reports. The biological mechanism for this observation is not understood; however, it has been proposed that tamoxifen inhibits the proliferation of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer cells, while estrogen receptor-negative cells may continue to grow because of selective pressure. The correlation between HER-2eu overexpression in the matched first primary and contralateral breast cancers was statistically significant, suggesting that the diagnosis of HER-2eu overexpression in contralateral breast cancer is associated with HER-2eu overexpression in the first primary cancer.
机译:这项研究的主要目的是评估雌激素受体阴性对侧乳腺癌相对于首发原发癌的相对患病率,并评估HER-2 / neu在首发原发癌和对侧乳腺癌中的相对过表达之间的相关性。从Henry Ford Health System肿瘤登记处中鉴定出总共144名被诊断为对侧乳房癌的妇女。从电子数据库和病历中检索数据。妇女分为使用他莫昔芬和不使用他莫昔芬。激素受体被分为阳性或阴性。通过免疫组织化学评估,HER-2 / neu过表达得分为0、1(+),2(+)或3(+)。两种癌症的激素受体之间的一致性较低(κ= 0.27,p = 0.06)。使用他莫昔芬治疗使妇女分层后,使用者中雌激素受体阴性癌症的比例几乎增加了五倍,而未使用雌激素受体的癌症比例在未使用者中保持不变(39.6%比40.6%)。配对,存档,石蜡包埋的第一例和对侧乳腺癌标本可供57名妇女使用。第一位原发性乳腺癌和对侧乳腺癌之间的HER-2 / neu相对过表达之间的相关性为0.4(p = 0.002)。他莫昔芬使用者中雌激素受体阴性对侧乳腺癌的患病率较高,与先前的报道一致。这种观察的生物学机制尚不清楚。然而,已经提出他莫昔芬抑制雌激素受体阳性乳腺癌细胞的增殖,而由于选择性压力雌激素受体阴性细胞可能继续生长。配对的第一原发性乳腺癌和对侧乳腺癌中HER-2 / neu过表达之间的相关性具有统计学意义,表明对侧乳腺癌中HER-2 / neu过表达的诊断与第一原发性HER-2 / neu过表达相关癌症。



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