首页> 外文期刊>The clinical journal of pain >Does mobilization of the upper cervical spine affect pain sensitivity and autonomic nervous system function in patients with cervico-craniofacial pain?: A randomized-controlled trial

Does mobilization of the upper cervical spine affect pain sensitivity and autonomic nervous system function in patients with cervico-craniofacial pain?: A randomized-controlled trial


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OBJECTIVES: The aims were to investigate the effects of anterior-posterior upper cervical mobilization (APUCM) on pain modulation in craniofacial and cervical regions and its influence on the sympathetic nervous system. METHODS: Thirty-two patients with cervico-craniofacial pain of myofascial origin were randomly allocated into experimental or placebo groups. Each patient received 3 treatments. Outcome measures included bilateral pressure pain thresholds assessed at craniofacial and cervical points preintervention, after the second intervention and after the final treatment. Pain intensity and sympathetic nervous system variables (skin conductance, breathing rate, heart rate, and skin temperature) were assessed before and immediately after each intervention. RESULTS: The pressure pain thresholds in the craniofacial and cervical regions significantly increased (P<0.001) and pain intensity significantly decreased (P<0.001) in the treatment group compared with placebo. APUCM also produced a sympathoexcitatory response demonstrated by a significant increase in skin conductance, breathing rate, and heart rate (P<0.001), but not in skin temperature (P=0.071), after application of the technique compared with placebo. DISCUSSION: This study provided preliminary evidence of a short-term hypoalgesic effect of APUCM on craniofacial and cervical regions of patients with cervico-craniofacial pain of myofascial origin, suggesting that APUCM may cause an immediate nociceptive modulation in the trigeminocervical complex. We also observed a sympathoexcitatory response, which could be related to the hypoalgesic effect induced by the technique, but this aspect should be confirmed in future studies.
机译:目的:研究前-后上颈椎动员(APUCM)对颅面和颈椎区域疼痛调节的影响及其对交感神经系统的影响。方法:将32例肌筋膜源性颈颅面部疼痛患者随机分为实验组或安慰剂组。每个患者接受3种治疗。结果措施包括在干预前,第二次干预后和最终治疗后在颅面和颈点评估的双侧压力疼痛阈值。在每次干预之前和之后立即评估疼痛强度和交感神经系统变量(皮肤传导,呼吸速率,心率和皮肤温度)。结果:与安慰剂相比,治疗组颅面部和宫颈区域的压力疼痛阈值显着增加(P <0.001),疼痛强度显着降低(P <0.001)。与安慰剂相比,使用该技术后,APUCM还产生了交感兴奋反应,表现为皮肤电导率,呼吸频率和心率显着增加(P <0.001),但皮肤温度未升高(P = 0.071)。讨论:这项研究提供了APUCM对肌筋膜源性颈颅面痛患者的颅面和宫颈区域的短期镇痛作用的初步证据,表明APUCM可能立即导致三叉神经宫颈复合体的伤害性调节。我们还观察到了交感兴奋反应,可能与该技术引起的镇痛作用有关,但这一方面应在以后的研究中得到证实。



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