首页> 外文期刊>The American Naturalist: Devoted to the Conceptual Unification of the Biological Sciences >The Evolution of Infidelity in Socially Monogamous Passerines Revisited: A Reply to Griffith

The Evolution of Infidelity in Socially Monogamous Passerines Revisited: A Reply to Griffith


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We were pleased to see that Simon Griffith (2007, in this issue) welcomes the more stringent and quantitative approach to the study of extrapair copulations (EPC) in birds that we recently introduced (Arnqvist and Kirkpatrick 2005). Griffith argues that our main conclusion may have been premature for, it seems, the following four reasons. First, Griffith suggests that we did not include all the relevant data. We noted that our estimate of indirect selection was based on all studies reporting direct measures of "growth, survival, recruitment ... and/or reproductive success" (Arnqvist and Kirkpatrick 2005, p. S27) as proxies for offspring fitness. We explicitly stated that "a few studies reporting other forms of potential but less direct fitness correlates were also not included" (p. S27). The study mentioned by Griffith (Johnsen et al. 2000) focused on measures of wing swelling and was not included for this reason. On closer examination, however, we see that John-sen et al. (2000) also reported measures of offspring growth, and it should thus have been included in our estimate of indirect selection. However, the indirect effects on growth reported by Johnsen et al. (2000) were extremely small (0.0% and 0.2% of total variance in offspring growth) and statistically insignificant, and so its inclusionwould only have added force to our conclusion regarding indirect selection.
机译:我们高兴地看到,西蒙·格里菲斯(Simon Griffith,2007年,本期)欢迎我们最近引入了更为严格,定量的研究鸟类超配对交配(EPC)的方法(Arnqvist和Kirkpatrick,2005年)。格里菲斯认为,我们的主要结论可能为时过早,原因似乎有以下四个。首先,格里菲斯(Griffith)建议我们不包括所有相关数据。我们注意到,我们对间接选择的估计是基于所有报告“生长,存活,募集……和/或生殖成功”的直接量度的研究(Arnqvist和Kirkpatrick 2005,第S27页)作为后代适应度的代理。我们明确指出,“也没有包括报告其他形式的潜在,但不太直接的健身相关性的研究”(第S27页)。格里菲斯(Johnsen等,2000)提到的研究侧重于机翼膨胀的测量,因此未包括在内。然而,仔细研究,我们发现约翰森等人。 (2000)还报告了后代生长的措施,因此,它应该已经包括在我们间接选择的估计中。然而,Johnsen等报道了对生长的间接影响。 (2000年)是极小的(后代生长的总方差的0.0%和0.2%),并且在统计学上不显着,因此将其包括在内只会增加我们对间接选择的结论的力量。



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