首页> 外文期刊>The anatomical record, Part A. Discoveries in molecular, cellular, and evolutionary biology >Microanatomy and ultrastructure of the kidney of the African lungfish Protopterus dolloi

Microanatomy and ultrastructure of the kidney of the African lungfish Protopterus dolloi


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The Dipnoi (lungfishes) have developed trite lungs, having the ability to take oxygen from both the gills and the lungs. During the tropical dry season, many lungfish estivate on land, breathing only air. The estivation period is accompanied by profound functional modifications, including the suppression of urine. Thus, the lungfish kidney must be designed to cope with these dramatic cyclic changes in renal function. We study here the microanatomy and the structure of the kidney of the African lungfish Protopterus dolloi, maintained under controlled freshwater conditions. Chemical microdissection, light microscopy, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy have been used. The nephrons of P. dolloi are composed of a renal corpuscle (RC) and of a renal tubule that appears divided into five morphologically distinct segments: neck segment (NS), proximal tubule (PT), intermediate segment (IS), distal tubule (DT), and collecting tubule (CT). Paired CTs abut into a collecting duct, the latter emptying into an archinephric duct. The RCs lie in the mid-zone of the kidney, between the PTs and the convoluted DTs. The spatial distribution of these elements allows recognition of a kidney zonation. The RCs group into clusters (3-4 RCs per cluster) that are supplied by a single arteriole surrounded by pericytes. Each cluster appears to represent a functional unit with a common hemodynamic regulatory mechanism. The major processes of the podocytes form flattened networks that appear to constitute an integrated system due to the presence of gap junctions. The existence of mesangial cells with large cell processes, and of mesangial cells with a dendritic appearance, suggests a complex functional role (contractile and phagocytic) for the mesangium. The NS and the IS are the narrowest nephron segments, formed only by multiciliated cells. The PT and the DT can be subdivided, based on the tubular morphology and on cell composition, into portions I and II: PTI is formed only by brush border (BB) cells, while PTII contains BB and multiciliated cells. The DTI is formed by segment-specific cells, while the DTII contains segment-specific and a small number of flask cells. The CT contains principal and flask cells in a 5:1 ratio. The flask cells adopt two different configurations (with a narrow canaliculus or with a large cavity). The main goal of this study was to disclose specific kidney features that could be related to function, phylogeny, and habitat. In addition, the present results constitute the basis for a study of the morphologic changes that should occur in the kidney of P. dolloi during estivation.
机译:Dipnoi(肺鱼)已经形成了陈旧的肺,具有从腮和肺中吸取氧气的能力。在热带干旱季节,许多肺鱼在陆地上吸食,仅呼吸空气。陶醉期伴随着深刻的功能改变,包括抑制尿液。因此,肺鱼肾脏必须设计为应对肾脏功能的这些剧烈的周期性变化。我们在这里研究了在受控淡水条件下维持的非洲肺鱼Protopterus dolloi的微观解剖结构和肾脏结构。化学显微切割,光学显微镜以及扫描和透射电子显微镜已被使用。假单胞菌的肾单位由肾小体(RC)和肾小管组成,肾小管看上去分为五个形态学上不同的部分:颈部(NS),近端小管(PT),中间部分(IS),远端小管DT),并收集肾小管(CT)。成对的CT紧靠收集管,后者排空到大肠管。 RC位于肾脏的中部,在PT和回旋的DT之间。这些元素的空间分布允许识别肾脏分区。 RCs分为簇(每簇3-4个RC),由包围着周细胞的单个小动脉提供。每个簇似乎代表具有共同血液动力学调节机制的功能单元。足细胞的主要过程形成扁平的网络,由于间隙连接的存在,这些网络似乎构成了一个集成系统。存在具有大细胞过程的肾小球膜细胞和具有树突状外观的肾小球膜细胞,提示肾小球膜具有复杂的功能作用(收缩性和吞噬性)。 NS和IS是最窄的肾单位,仅由多纤毛细胞形成。 PT和DT可以根据管状形态和细胞组成细分为I和II部分:PTI仅由刷状边界(BB)细胞形成,而PTII则包含BB和多纤毛细胞。 DTI由段特异性细胞形成,而DTII包含段特异性细胞和少量烧瓶细胞。 CT包含5:1比例的主细胞和烧瓶细胞。烧瓶细胞采用两种不同的配置(狭窄的小管或大腔)。这项研究的主要目的是揭示可能与功能,系统发育和栖息地有关的特定肾脏特征。另外,目前的结果构成了研究在迷迭香中肾脏中应发生的形态变化的基础。



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