首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene >Independent Evaluation of the Rapid Scale-Up Program to Reduce Under-Five Mortality in Burkina Faso

Independent Evaluation of the Rapid Scale-Up Program to Reduce Under-Five Mortality in Burkina Faso


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We conducted a prospective evaluation of the "Rapid Scale-Up" (RSU) program in Burkina Faso, focusing on the integrated community case management (iCCM) component of the program. We used a quasi-experimental design in which nine RSU districts were compared with seven districts without the program. The evaluation included documentation of program implementation, assessments of implementation and quality of care, baseline and endline coverage surveys, and estimation of mortality changes using the Lives Saved Tool. Although the program trained large numbers of community health workers, there were implementation shortcomings related to training, supervision, and drug stockouts. The quality of care provided to sick children was poor, and utilization of community health workers was low. Changes in intervention coverage were comparable in RSU and comparison areas. Estimated under-five mortality declined by 6.2% (from 110 to 103 deaths per 1,000 live births) in the RSU area and 4.2% (from 114 to 109 per 1,000 live births) in the comparison area. The RSU did not result in coverage increases or mortality reductions in Burkina Faso, but we cannot draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the iCCM strategy, given implementation shortcomings. The evaluation results highlight the need for greater attention to implementation of iCCM programs.
机译:我们对布基纳法索的“快速扩大”(RSU)计划进行了前瞻性评估,重点是该计划的综合社区案例管理(iCCM)组件。我们使用了准实验设计,将9个RSU地区与没有该计划的7个地区进行了比较。评估包括计划实施的文档,实施的评估和护理质量,基线和最终覆盖率调查以及使用“拯救生命”工具估算死亡率变化。尽管该计划培训了大量社区卫生工作者,但在培训,监督和药品库存方面存在实施缺陷。提供给患病儿童的护理质量差,社区卫生工作者的利用率低。在RSU和比较区域,干预范围的变化是可比较的。在RSU地区,五岁以下儿童的估计死亡率下降了6.2%(从每千名活产婴儿中110到103例死亡),在比较区域中下降了4.2%(从每千名活产中114至109到109)。 RSU并未导致布基纳法索的覆盖面增加或死亡率降低,但鉴于实施方面的缺陷,我们无法就iCCM战略的有效性得出结论。评估结果表明,需要更加注意iCCM计划的实施。



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