首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Medicine >Antibiotic prophylaxis for dental procedures to prevent indwelling venous catheter-related infections.

Antibiotic prophylaxis for dental procedures to prevent indwelling venous catheter-related infections.


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BACKGROUND: chronic indwelling central venous catheters are used commonly for a variety of indications. A predominant limitation of their use is catheter-related infections. Some clinicians believe that bacteremia from an invasive dental procedure could cause catheter-related infections and that antibiotic prophylaxis may prevent this complication. The topic is controversial, in large part because of the lack of clinical trial data supporting this notion. METHODS: we performed a systematic review to determine the level of evidence to support this practice. We retrieved studies, guidelines, recommendations, case reports, and editorials on prescribing prophylactic antibiotic therapy for indwelling central venous catheters before oral/dental procedures, using a search of PubMed, National Guideline Clearinghouse, and textbooks. RESULTS: there were no clinical trials and no documented cases of a catheter-related infection associated with an invasive dental procedure. Despite the lack of evidence, there are numerous recommendations and guidelines available in the literature that support the administration of "dental" prophylaxis. CONCLUSION: there is no evidence to support the administration of prophylactic antibiotics to prevent catheter-related infections associated with an invasive oral procedure in patients with chronic indwelling central venous catheters.
机译:背景:慢性留置中心静脉导管通常用于各种适应症。其使用的主要限制是与导管相关的感染。一些临床医生认为,侵入性牙科手术产生的菌血症可能会导致导管相关感染,而抗生素的预防可能会阻止这种并发症。这个话题是有争议的,很大程度上是因为缺乏支持这一观点的临床试验数据。方法:我们进行了系统的审查,以确定支持这种做法的证据水平。我们检索了关于Pub / Med,National Guideline Clearinghouse和教科书的处方,预防性抗生素治疗的方法,处方,建议,病例报告和社论,以预防口腔/牙科手术前留置中心静脉导管。结果:尚无临床试验,也没有与侵入性牙科手术相关的导管相关感染的文献记录。尽管缺乏证据,但是文献中有许多建议和指南支持“预防性”牙科治疗。结论:尚无证据支持预防性抗生素的使用,以预防慢性留置中心静脉导管患者与侵入性口服手术相关的导管相关感染。



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