
Exploring Archimedes' Quadrature of Parabola with GeoGebra Snapshots


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This snapshot offers methods of solving the quadrature of parabola, the area of the region (parabolic segment) bounded by the parabola and a chord, using Archimedes' ideas of infinite sums and limits. In the first section, I provide the background of this problem along with relevant terminology and Propositions (1, 3, 19) from the Works of Archimedes. The second section illustrates an exploration of this problem based on snapshots used in GeoGebra technology, a dynamic geometry software (DGS) that intertwines algebra, geometry, and spreadsheets environments. The rationale for using a DGS in the exploration of the quadrature problem is founded in the view of experimental mathematics (Borwein and Bailey 2003; Borwein 2005; Sinclair 2008) in which the role of technology manifests in: "(1) Gaining insight and intuition, (2) Discovering new patterns and relationships, (3) Graphing to expose math principles, (4) Testing and especially falsifying conjectures, (5) Exploring a possible result to see if it merits formal proof, (6) Suggesting approaches for formal proof, (7) Computing replacing lengthy hand derivations, (8) Confirming analytically derived results" (Borwein 2005, p. 76). The role of GeoGebra manifested in the testing and especially falsifying conjectures in an attempt to test various mathematical ideas, which were reflected in the third section. GeoGebra's transformative role as a dynamic modeling mindtool (Jonassen 1996) had a crucial impact in setting the stage for justification of these mathematical ideas. In that sense, the snapshots used in the second section have been a useful asset in the discovery of new patterns and in the setting of the stage for formal proofs, which are presented in the third section.
机译:此快照提供了使用阿基米德无穷大和无穷大的思想来求解抛物线,由抛物线和和弦界定的区域(抛物线段)的面积的方法。在第一部分中,我提供了这个问题的背景以及阿基米德著作中的相关术语和命题(1、3、19)。第二部分说明了基于GeoGebra技术中使用的快照的探究,该快照是将代数,几何和电子表格环境交织在一起的动态几何软件(DGS)。在实验数学的观点(Borwein和Bailey 2003; Borwein 2005; Sinclair 2008)中建立了使用DGS探索正交问题的基本原理,其中技术的作用表现为:“(1)获得洞察力和直觉,(2)发现新的模式和关系,(3)用图形显示数学原理,(4)测试尤其是伪造猜想,(5)探索可能的结果,看看它是否值得形式证明,(6)为形式提出建议证明,(7)用计算代替冗长的手推导,(8)确认分析得出的结果”(Borwein 2005,第76页)。 GeoGebra的作用体现在测试中,尤其是伪造猜想,以尝试测试各种数学思想,这在第三部分中得到了反映。 GeoGebra作为动态建模思维工具的变革性角色(Jonassen,1996年)在为这些数学思想的论证奠定基础方面发挥了至关重要的作用。从这个意义上讲,第二部分中使用的快照对于发现新模式和设置正式证明的阶段很有用,这将在第三部分中介绍。



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