首页> 外文期刊>Psychoneuroendocrinology: An International Journal >Quality of life of growth hormone (GH) deficient young adults during discontinuation and restart of GH therapy.

Quality of life of growth hormone (GH) deficient young adults during discontinuation and restart of GH therapy.


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The present study evaluates the effects of one year of discontinuation and one year of growth hormone (GH) treatment on quality of life (QoL) in young adults with childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency (CO-GHD). Twenty-two subjects (14 males, 8 females; 11 isolated growth hormone deficient [IGHD], 11 multiple pituitary hormone deficient [MPHD]), aged between 15 and 22 years, on ongoing GH treatment were assessed during one year of discontinuation. Thereafter, 9 of these patients, who were found to be still GH deficient (GHD), added by 11 newly recruited GHD patients who also were not treated in the preceding year (in total 10 males and 10 females, aged between 17 and 27, 5 IGHD, 15 MPHD), restarted GH treatment for one year. During discontinuation and restart of GH treatment somatic and psychological assessments took place every 6 months. In the first 6 months of the GH discontinuation period insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) level significantly declined whereas no further decrease in IGF-I was seen after month 6. The number of psychological complaints and depression increased only during the first 6 months of discontinuation. Across the 12-month of discontinuation tension increased in MPHD and decreased in IGHD patients. Only in the first 6 months of GH treatment IGF-I level increased, anxiety decreased and QoL improved. Depression scores tended to decrease across the 12 month treatment period. During the 2-year discontinuation and treatment period intra-subject IGF-I level was negatively correlated with depression, fatigue, tension and anxiety and positively with vigor and memory. At the end of the treatment period all psychometric parameters were similar or even improved compared to those at the start of the discontinuation period. It is concluded that one year discontinuation of GH treatment leads to a decrease in QoL within 6 months which effect is counteracted within 6 months after restart of GH treatment.
机译:本研究评估了一年停药和一年生长激素(GH)治疗对儿童期生长激素缺乏症(CO-GHD)年轻人的生活质量(QoL)的影响。在停药的一年中评估了接受持续GH治疗的22名受试者(11名男性,8名女性; 11名孤立的生长激素缺乏症[IGHD],11名多发性垂体激素缺乏症[MPHD]),年龄在15至22岁之间。此后,发现其中9例患者仍为GH缺乏(GHD),再加上前一年也未接受治疗的11名新招募的GHD患者(总共10例男性和10例女性,年龄在17至27岁之间, 5 IGHD,15 MPHD),重新开始GH治疗一年。在停药和重新开始GH治疗期间,每6个月进行一次身体和心理评估。在GH停药期的前6个月,胰岛素样生长因子I(IGF-I)水平显着下降,而在第6个月后未见IGF-I进一步下降。停药6个月。在停药的12个月中,MPHD的张力增加,而IGHD的患者的张力降低。仅在GH治疗的前6个月,IGF-I水平升高,焦虑感降低,生活质量改善。在整个12个月的治疗期内,抑郁评分趋于下降。在2年停药和治疗期间,受试者体内IGF-I水平与抑郁,疲劳,紧张和焦虑呈负相关,与活力和记忆力呈正相关。与停药期开始时相比,在治疗期结束时,所有心理参数均相似甚至有所改善。结论是,停止GH治疗一年会导致6个月内QoL降低,这种作用在重新开始GH治疗后6个月内被抵消。



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