首页> 外文期刊>Psychosomatic Medicine: Journal of the American Psychosomatic Society >Chronic physical conditions and their association with first onset of suicidal behavior in the world mental health surveys.

Chronic physical conditions and their association with first onset of suicidal behavior in the world mental health surveys.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of a range of temporally prior physical conditions with the subsequent first onset of suicidal ideation, plans, and attempts in large, general population, cross-national sample. The associations between physical conditions and suicidal behavior remain unclear due to sparse data and varied methodology. METHODS: Predictive associations between 13 temporally prior physical conditions and first onset of suicidal ideation, plans, and attempts were examined in a 14-country sample (n = 37,915) after controlling for demographic, socioeconomic, and psychosocial covariates, with and without adjustment for mental disorders. RESULTS: Most physical conditions were associated with suicidal ideation in the total sample; high blood pressure, heart attack/stroke, arthritis, chronic headache, other chronic pain, and respiratory conditions were associated with attempts in the total sample; epilepsy, cancer, and heart attack/stroke were associated with planned attempts. Epilepsy was the physical condition most strongly associated with the suicidal outcomes. Physical conditions were especially predictive of suicidality if they occurred early in life. As the number of physical conditions increased, the risk of suicidal outcomes also increased, however the added risk conferred was generally smaller with each additional condition. Adjustment for mental disorders made little substantive difference to these results. Physical conditions were equally predictive of suicidality in higher and lower income countries. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of physical conditions is a risk factor for suicidal behavior even in the absence of mental disorder.
机译:目的:研究在大范围的一般人群,跨国样本中一系列暂时存在的身体状况与随后的首次自杀意念,计划和尝试的关联。由于数据稀疏和方法的不同,身体状况和自杀行为之间的关联仍不清楚。方法:在控制了人口统计学,社会经济和社会心理协变量之后,对13个暂时存在的身体状况与自杀意念,计划和尝试的首次发作之间的预测关联进行了调查,在14个国家的样本(n = 37,915)中进行了调整,无论是否经过调整精神错乱。结果:大多数身体状况与自杀意念有关。高血压,心脏病发作/中风,关节炎,慢性头痛,其他慢性疼痛和呼吸系统疾病与总样本尝试有关。癫痫,癌症和心脏病发作/中风与计划的尝试有关。癫痫是与自杀结果最密切相关的身体状况。如果身体状况发生在生命早期,则尤其可以预测其自杀倾向。随着身体状况的增加,自杀结局的风险也增加,但是,每增加一种状况,所赋予的增加的风险通常较小。调整精神障碍对这些结果没有实质性影响。身体状况同样可以预测高收入和低收入国家的自杀倾向。结论:即使没有精神障碍,身体状况也是自杀行为的危险因素。


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