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Seven Western utilities make pact to throw a Big Stone party


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Seven utilities have agreed to jointly build a new coal-fired power plant on the site of the existing Big Stone generating station near Milbank, SD. Otter Tail Power, Central Minnesota Municipal Power Agency, Great River Energy, Heartland Consumers Power District, Missouri River Energy Services, Montana-Dakota Utilities and Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency announced the plan for a 600-MW plant this past week. Construction of the plant is contingent on the approval of all necessary permits. "Big Stone II will help these companies fulfill their commitment to meet their customers' energy needs in an environmentally responsible and economical manner," said Ward Uggerud of Otter Tail, the project's lead developer. Emission-control equipment for the plant likely would include selective catalytic reduction and a fabric filter for particulate collection, followed by a wet scrubber for sulfur dioxide removal.
机译:七个公用事业公司已同意在南卡罗来纳州米尔班克附近的现有大石头发电站现场共同建造一座新的燃煤电厂。 Otter Tail Power,明尼苏达中部城市电力局,Great River能源,Heartland消费者电力区,密苏里河能源服务,蒙大拿州-达科他公用事业公司和明尼苏达州南部电力局在上周宣布了600兆瓦发电厂的计划。工厂的建设取决于所有必要许可证的批准。该项目的主要开发商Otter Tail的Ward Uggerud表示:“ Big Stone II将帮助这些公司以对环境负责和经济的方式履行其满足客户能源需求的承诺。”该工厂的排放控制设备可能包括选择性催化还原和用于收集颗粒物的织物过滤器,然后是用于去除二氧化硫的湿式洗涤器。



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