首页> 外文期刊>Progress in Neurobiology: An International Review Journal >The discovery of dendritic spines by Cajal in 1888 and its relevance in the present neuroscience.

The discovery of dendritic spines by Cajal in 1888 and its relevance in the present neuroscience.


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The year 2006 marks the centenary of the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine awarded to Santiago Ramon y Cajal and Camilo Golgi, "in recognition of their work on the structure of the nervous system". Their discoveries are keys to understanding the present neuroscience, for instance, the discovery of dendritic spines. Cajal discovered dendritic spines in 1888 with the Golgi method, although other contemporary scientists thought that they were silver precipitates. Dendritic spines were demonstrated definitively as real structures by Cajal with the Methylene Blue in 1896. Many of the observations of Cajal and other contemporary scientists about dendritic spines are active fields of research of present neuroscience, for instance, their morphology, distribution, density, development and function. This article will deal with the main contributions of Cajal and other contemporary scientists about dendritic spines. We will analyse their contributions from the historical and present point of view. In addition, we will show high quality images of Cajal's original preparations and drawings related with this discovery.
机译:2006年是授予圣地亚哥·拉蒙·卡哈尔和卡米洛·高尔基的“诺贝尔生理学或医学奖”一百周年,“以表彰他们在神经系统结构方面的工作”。他们的发现是理解当前神经科学的关键,例如树突棘的发现。卡哈尔(Cajal)于1888年用高尔基(Golgi)方法发现了树突棘,尽管其他当代科学家认为它们是银沉淀。 Cajal在1896年用亚甲基蓝明确证明了树突棘是真实的结构。Cajal和其他当代科学家对树突棘的许多观察都是当前神经科学研究的活跃领域,例如它们的形态,分布,密度,发育和功能。本文将探讨Cajal和其他当代科学家对树突棘的主要贡献。我们将从历史和现在的角度分析他们的贡献。此外,我们将展示Cajal原始准备工作和与此发现相关的图纸的高质量图像。



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