首页> 外文期刊>Psychological science: a journal of the American Psychological Society >Who took the '×' out of expectancy-value theory?: A psychological mystery, a substantive-methodological synergy, and a cross-national generalization

Who took the '×' out of expectancy-value theory?: A psychological mystery, a substantive-methodological synergy, and a cross-national generalization

机译:谁从期望值理论中剔除“×” ?:一种心理奥秘,一种实质性的方法协同作用以及一种跨国概括

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Expectancy-value theory (EVT) is a dominant theory of human motivation. Historically, the Expectancy × Value interaction, in which motivation is high only if both expectancy and value are high, was central to EVT. However, the Expectancy × Value interaction mysteriously disappeared from published research more than 25 years ago. Using large representative samples of 15-year-olds (N = 398,750) from 57 diverse countries, we attempted to solve this mystery by testing Expectancy × Value interactions using latent-variable models with interactions. Expectancy (science self-concept), value (enjoyment of science), and the Expectancy × Value interaction all had statistically significant positive effects on both engagement in science activities and intentions of pursuing scientific careers; these results were similar for the total sample and for nearly all of the 57 countries considered separately. This study, apparently the strongest cross-national test of EVT ever undertaken, supports the generalizability of EVT predictions-including the "lost" Expectancy × Value interaction.
机译:期望值理论(EVT)是人类动机的主导理论。从历史上看,期望值与价值的交互是EVT的核心,只有期望值和价值都很高时,动机才高。然而,超过25年前,期望值与价值的相互作用神秘地从已发表的研究中消失了。我们使用来自57个不同国家的15岁儿童(N = 398,750)的大型代表性样本,试图通过使用具有交互作用的潜变量模型测试“期望值×价值”交互作用来解决这个谜。期望值(科学自我概念),价值(科学享受)以及期望值×价值交互作用对参与科学活动和追求科学职业的意图均具有统计学上显着的积极影响;对于总样本以及分别考虑的几乎所有57个国家,这些结果都是相似的。这项研究显然是有史以来最强大的EVT跨国测试,它支持EVT预测的可推广性,包括“预期损失”ד价值互动”。



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