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The use of social media among health care professionals within an online postgraduate diabetes diploma course


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Social media is a rapidly growing arena through which members of the health care community can communicate between themselves as well as inform and educate patients. We assessed the impact of certain types of social media (YouTube and Twitter) among a group of health care professionals (HCPs) studying for a diploma in diabetes with the University of South Wales. As part of a module of the diabetes diploma, HCPs were tasked with using social media (Twitter and YouTube) to communicate information on diabetes and metrics were assessed on its impact. In respect of Twitter accounts, interactivity was assessed through number of 'tweets' users posted, the number of 'followers' that each account attracted together with the number of people that the user 'followed'. For YouTube videos, we collected data on the length of video, the number of views each received as well as 'likes' or 'dislikes'. We also asked all students to complete a voluntary questionnaire on their subjective feelings regarding their experience with social media. Of 89 subjects, 27 developed YouTube videos and 62 set up Twitter accounts (in the event of a subject using both Twitter and YouTube, only their YouTube data are used). Average video length was 7 minutes 10 seconds, with videos viewed from 20-1274 times up to August 2012. Sixty-two Twitter accounts were established with an average of 77 tweets, average of 34 'followers' and an average of 49 'following'. Thirteen (15%) HCPs responded to a feedback questionnaire, four having selected YouTube and nine, Twitter. Eight students expressed apprehension before embarking on the task but all expressed a sense of achievement and confidence in use of social media upon completion. Fifty (81 %) HCPs stopped using Twitter within six months of completing the module, although Twitter activity continued among 12 (19%) HCPs. This study reveals a successful uptake and communication of a professional message to a wider audience through Twitter and YouTube among social media-naive HCPs studying for a postgraduate diploma in diabetes. Despite initial apprehension, HCPs felt confident in using social media to convey the message with continuing use of social media beyond the confines of the course.
机译:社交媒体是一个快速发展的舞台,医疗保健界的成员可以通过该平台在彼此之间进行交流以及为患者提供信息和教育。我们评估了在南威尔士大学攻读糖尿病文凭的一组医疗保健专业人员(HCP)中,某些社交媒体(YouTube和Twitter)的影响。作为糖尿病文凭模块的一部分,HCP负责使用社交媒体(Twitter和YouTube)交流有关糖尿病的信息,并评估了其影响的指标。对于Twitter帐户,通过发布的“推文”用户数,每个帐户吸引的“关注者”数量以及用户“关注”的人数来评估交互性。对于YouTube视频,我们收集了有关视频时长,每次观看次数以及“喜欢”或“不喜欢”的数据。我们还要求所有学生填写自愿问卷,了解他们对社交媒体体验的主观感受。在89个主题中,有27个开发的YouTube视频和62个设置的Twitter帐户(如果一个主题同时使用Twitter和YouTube,则仅使用其YouTube数据)。平均视频时长为7分钟10秒,截至2012年8月,视频的观看时间为20-1274次。建立了62个Twitter帐户,平均发了77条推文,平均有34个“关注者”,平均有49个“关注者” 。十三(15%)位HCP回答了反馈问卷,其中四位选择了YouTube,九位选择了Twitter。八名学生在开始任务前表现出了忧虑,但都表现出了成就感和对社交媒体使用的信心。在完成该模块的六个月内,有五十(81%)个HCP停止使用Twitter,尽管在12个(19%)HCP中继续进行Twitter活动。这项研究揭示了在社交网络初学者中正在寻求糖尿病研究生文凭的HCP中,通过Twitter和YouTube成功地采用了专业信息并将其传达给了更广泛的受众。尽管最初感到忧虑,但HCP仍对使用社交媒体传达信息充满信心,并在课程范围之外继续使用社交媒体。



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