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Allergenic potential of novel foods


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Concerns have been expressed that the introduction of novel foods into the diet might lead to the development of new food allergies in consumers. Novel foods can be conveniently divided into GM and non-GM categories. Decision-tree approaches (e.g. International Life Sciences Institute-International Food Biotechnology Council and WHO/FAO) to assess the allergenic potential of GM foods were developed following the discovery, during product development, of the allergenic potential of GM soyabean expressing a gene encoding a storage protein from Brazil nut (Bertolletia excelsa). Within these decision trees considerations include: the source of the transgene; amino acid homology with known allergens; cross-reactivity with IgE from food-allergic individuals; resistance to proteolysis; prediction using animal models of food allergy. Such decision trees are under constant review as new knowledge and improved models emerge, but they provide a useful framework for the assessment of the allergenic potential of GM foods. For novel non-GM foods the assessment of allergenic potential is more subjective; some foods or food ingredients will need no assessment other than a robust protein assay to demonstrate the absence of protein. Where protein is present in the novel non-GM food, hazard and risk assessments need to be made in terms of the quantity of protein that might be consumed, the identity of individual protein components and their relationships to known food allergens. Where necessary, this assessment would extend to serum screening for potential cross-reactivities, skin-prick tests in previously-sensitised individuals and double-blind placebo-controlled food challenges.
机译:人们担心将新食品引入饮食中可能导致消费者中出现新的食物过敏。新型食品可以方便地分为转基因和非转基因类别。在产品开发过程中,发现表达编码AGM的基因的转基因大豆的致敏潜力后,制定了决策树方法(例如,国际生命科学研究所-国际食品生物技术理事会和WHO / FAO)评估了转基因食品的致敏潜力。来自巴西坚果(Bertolletia excelsa)的蛋白质。在这些决策树中,考虑因素包括:转基因的来源;与已知过敏原的氨基酸同源性;食物过敏者与IgE的交叉反应;对蛋白水解的抵抗力;使用食物过敏的动物模型进行预测。随着新知识和改进模型的出现,此类决策树将受到不断审查,但它们为评估转基因食品的致敏潜力提供了有用的框架。对于新的非转基因食品,过敏原潜力的评估更加主观;一些食品或食品成分无需进行任何评估,只需进行强大的蛋白质测定即可证明蛋白质的缺乏。如果新型非转基因食品中存在蛋白质,则需要根据可能消耗的蛋白质数量,单个蛋白质成分的身份以及它们与已知食物过敏原的关系进行危害和风险评估。必要时,该评估将扩展至针对潜在交叉反应的血清筛查,先前致敏个体的皮肤点刺试验以及双盲安慰剂对照食物挑战。



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