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Survey on management practices related to the prevention and control of bovine viral diarrhea virus on dairy farms in Indiana, United States


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The objective of this cross-sectional study was to describe the application of management practices known to be associated with the prevention of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infection on Indiana dairy farms and to determine the extent of BVDV vaccine use within Indiana dairy herds. The population in this study was Indiana dairy producers enrolled under the Indiana Premise ID list by the Indiana State Board of Animal Health (n = 1600). During the fall of 2008 a questionnaire was mailed to Indiana dairy producers. Returned questionnaires were entered into a database and descriptive statistics were performed. A total of 208 questionnaires were found useful for analysis. Small herds (< 100 head) constituted 60% of the sample population, 33% farms were categorized as medium herds (100-499 head) and finally 7% were large herds (> 500 head). Most of the herds (68%) acquired their replacements from external sources (open herds); however, preventive measures against the introduction of BVDV into the farm such as purchased animal history, quarantine and BVDV testing were not commonly performed. Even though producers commonly reported the use of BVDV vaccines, not all animals groups were vaccinated within herds. This study highlights the aspects of management practices of BVDV control on Indiana dairy farms that need reinforcement. In particular, dairy producers should be made aware that vaccination should be complementary to a comprehensive biosecurity program
机译:这项横断面研究的目的是描述与印第安纳州奶牛场预防牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)感染有关的管理实践方法的应用,并确定印第安纳州奶牛场中使用BVDV疫苗的程度。这项研究的人口是印第安纳州动物卫生局(n = 1600)列入印第安纳州建筑物ID列表中的印第安纳州的乳制品生产商。在2008年秋天,向印第安纳州的乳制品生产商寄出了一份调查问卷。将返回的调查表输入数据库,并进行描述性统计。共有208份调查问卷对分析有用。小牧群(<100头)占样本人口的60%,33%的农场被分类为中牧(100-499头),最后7%是大牧群(> 500头)。大多数牛群(68%)是从外部资源(露天牛群)获得替代品的;但是,通常不会采取预防措施来防止将BVDV引入农场,例如购买动物史,隔离和BVDV检测。即使生产者普遍报告使用BVDV疫苗,但并非所有动物都在牛群中接种了疫苗。这项研究突出了印第安纳州需要加强的奶牛场BVDV控制的管理实践方面。特别是,应使乳制品生产商意识到疫苗接种应作为全面生物安全计划的补充



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