首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory >Overweight and obese cardiac patients have better prognosis despite reporting worse perceived health and more conventional risk factors

Overweight and obese cardiac patients have better prognosis despite reporting worse perceived health and more conventional risk factors


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Objective: The obesity paradox in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains unexplained. We examined the role of self-rated health, behavioral and objectively assessed risk factors, in order to further explore mechanisms that might influence the association between body mass index (BMI) and mortality in CVD patients. Methods: Participants were 4417 community dwelling adults from the Health Survey for England and Scottish Health Survey from 1994-2004 (aged 65.9. ±. [Standard deviation (SD) 10.6. yrs], 56.2% men) with clinically diagnosed CVD at baseline. Results: There were 570 CVD and 1441 and all-cause deaths, over an average of 7.3yrs of follow-up. Overweight and obese patients reported worse self-rated health, more co-morbidities and biological risk factors. However, compared with non-obese participants (BMI25kg/m2), a lower risk of all-cause mortality was observed in overweight (BMI 2530kg/m2) (Hazard ratio [HR]=0.73, 95% confidence intervals [CI], 0.64-0.82), and obese (BMI≥30kg/m2) participants (HR=0.84, 95% CI, 0.73-0.97) after adjustment for age, sex, smoking, physical activity, and various co-morbidities. Conclusions: Overweight and obese CVD patients have better prognosis despite reporting worse health, more co-morbidities and risk factors, and poorer adherence to lifestyle advice.
机译:目的:心血管疾病(CVD)患者的肥胖悖论仍然无法解释。我们研究了自我评估的健康,行为和客观评估的危险因素的作用,以进一步探索可能影响体重指数(BMI)与CVD患者死亡率之间关联的机制。方法:参加者为1994年至2004年的英格兰健康调查和苏格兰健康调查的4417社区成年人(年龄为65.9。±[标准差(SD)10.6。岁),男性为56.2%),其临床诊断为基线。结果:570例CVD和1441例全因死亡,平均随访7.3年。超重和肥胖患者的自我评估健康状况较差,合并症和生物危险因素更多。但是,与非肥胖参与者(BMI <25kg / m2)相比,超重(BMI 25 <30kg / m2)的全因死亡率较低(危险比[HR] = 0.73,置信区间95%[在调整了年龄,性别,吸烟,体育锻炼和各种合并症之后,肥胖(BMI≥30kg / m2)和肥胖(BMI≥30kg / m2)参与者(HR = 0.84,95%CI,0.73-0.97)。结论:超重和肥胖的CVD患者尽管健康状况较差,合并症和危险因素较多,对生活方式建议的依从性较差,但预后较好。



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