首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory >Health status, health behaviors, and acculturation factors associated with overweight and obesity in Latinos from a community and agricultural labor camp survey.

Health status, health behaviors, and acculturation factors associated with overweight and obesity in Latinos from a community and agricultural labor camp survey.


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BACKGROUND: U.S. Latino adults have experienced an 80% increase in obesity in the last decade. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of 18-64-year-old Latino women (N = 380) and men (N = 335) from a community sample, and men (N = 186) from an agricultural labor camp sample in Monterey County, California, provided data on correlates of obesity. RESULTS: In the community and labor camp samples, prevalences of chronic disease risk factors (high blood pressure and cholesterol, diabetes) were 1.5-7 times higher in the heaviest compared with the leanest weight groups. Higher acculturation (generational status, years lived in the United States) was the strongest correlate of obesity (measured by BMI) in the community sample (P < 0.001), followed by less exercise and poorer diet (P values < 0.05). Women who exercised <2.5 h/week, watched TV regularly, ate chips/fried snacks, and ate no fruit the previous day were 45 lbs heavier than women with healthier habits. Men who did not exercise, rarely trimmed fat from meat, and ate fried foods the previous day were 16 lbs heavier than men with healthier habits. Discussions with health care providers about diet/exercise were associated with more accurate weight perception and more weight loss attempts in obese participants in both samples. CONCLUSIONS: The associations of acculturation, exercise, and diet to BMI implicate societal as well as individual contributors to obesity among U.S. Latinos.
机译:背景:在过去十年中,美国拉丁裔成年人的肥胖症增加了80%。方法:从社区样本中对18-64岁的拉丁裔女性(N = 380)和男性(N = 335)以及男性(N = 186)从蒙特雷县的农业劳教所进行的横断面调查加利福尼亚,提供了与肥胖相关的数据。结果:在社区和劳改营样本中,与最瘦的体重组相比,最重的慢性疾病危险因素(高血压,胆固醇,糖尿病)的患病率高1.5-7倍。较高的适应性(世代状态,在美国居住的年限)是社区样本中肥胖的最强相关性(通过BMI衡量)(P <0.001),其次是较少的运动和较差的饮食(P值<0.05)。每周运动少于2.5小时,经常看电视,吃薯条/油炸零食,并且不吃水果的女性比拥有健康习惯的女性重45磅。不运动,很少从肉中去除脂肪并在前一天吃油炸食品的男人比有健康习惯的男人重16磅。与卫生保健提供者有关饮食/运动的讨论与两个样本中肥胖参与者的更准确的体重感知和更多的减肥尝试有关。结论:适应,运动和饮食与BMI的关联暗示了美国以及拉丁美洲人肥胖的社会贡献者和个人贡献者。



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