首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory >Knowledge and perceived risk of smoking-related conditions: a survey of cigarette smokers.

Knowledge and perceived risk of smoking-related conditions: a survey of cigarette smokers.


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BACKGROUND: Previous studies suggest that smokers minimize the personal health risk of smoking. Smokers may not be aware of the various smoking-related disease risks or believe that they are susceptible to them. METHODS: We presented 537 adult treatment-seeking smokers with a list of 34 medical conditions, of which 25 were smoking-related conditions, and 9 were nonsmoking-related items. Subjects were asked to identify which medical conditions were smoking-related, and to rate their perceived risk (using a 7-point Likert scale) of developing various smoking-related conditions if they continued to smoke. RESULTS: The average percentage of knowledge items correct for each disease category included cardiovascular (93%), pulmonary (94%), oral health diseases (89%), smoking-related cancers (71%), and reproductive risks (44%). Premature death was identified as a risk by 95% of smokers yet only 63.5% reported that disability could also result from smoking. Knowledge was associated with perceived risk of smoking-related illnesses across disease categories. CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge and perceived risk of cardiovascular, pulmonary, and oral disease was high among current smokers; knowledge and perceived risk of reproductive-related problems, and cancers other than lung cancer was much lower. Smokers recognize that smoking may result in premature death, but are less likely to acknowledge that smoking could result in a disability significantly affecting their quality of life.
机译:背景:以前的研究表明,吸烟者将吸烟的个人健康风险降至最低。吸烟者可能没有意识到与吸烟有关的各种疾病风险,或者认为他们容易受到这些风险的影响。方法:我们为537位寻求治疗的成人吸烟者提供了34种疾病的清单,其中25种与吸烟有关,而9种与吸烟无关。要求受试者确定哪些医学状况与吸烟有关,并继续吸烟,以7种李克特量表对他们感觉到的发展为各种与吸烟有关的状况的风险进行评估。结果:针对每种疾病类别正确的知识项目的平均百分比包括心血管疾病(93%),肺病(94%),口腔健康疾病(89%),与吸烟有关的癌症(71%)和生殖风险(44%) 。 95%的吸烟者认为过早死亡是一种危险,但只有63.5%的人报告说吸烟也可能导致残疾。知识与疾病类别中与吸烟有关的疾病的感知风险相关。结论:目前的吸烟者对心血管,肺和口腔疾病的知识和认知风险很高。生殖相关问题的知识和感知风险以及肺癌以外的癌症要低得多。吸烟者认识到吸烟可能导致过早死亡,但不太可能承认吸烟可能导致严重影响其生活质量的残疾。



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