首页> 外文期刊>Plant Pathology >Identification of molecular markers linked to a gene conferring resistance to coffee berry disease(Colletotrichum kahawae)In Coffea arabica

Identification of molecular markers linked to a gene conferring resistance to coffee berry disease(Colletotrichum kahawae)In Coffea arabica

机译:鉴定与赋予咖啡果病抗性的基因相关的分子标记(Colletotrichum kahawae)

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Coffee berry disease(CBD)caused by Colletotrichum kahawae is a major constraint to Arabica coffee(Coffea arabica)production in Africa.One source of resistance to the disease is a natural interspecific hybrid between G.arabica and C.canephora and its derivatives.This study is aimed at deciphering the genetic basis of the host resistance and identification of molecular markers associated with it.CBD is a mature stage disease and in the absence of a mature mapping population,early detection of disease reaction phenotypes of mapping individuals is required.Two F2 populations from crosses of cv.Catimor(resistant)and cv.SL28(susceptible)were screened for resistance by a two step procedure.First,half of each population was screened 6 weeks after germination by inoculating hypocotyls with the pathogen.The surviving seedlings(G1)were considered to be resistant and were raised in a nursery together with the other unscreened halves(G2).Secondly,after one year,all the seedlings(G1 + G2)were screened by inoculation.Analysis of 57 micro-satellites and 31 AFLP markers in 56 and 95 seedlings from G1 and G2,respectively,were performed.Eight AFLP and two microsatellites markers linked tightly to the resistant phenotype were identified and mapped to one unique chromosomal fragment introgressed from C.canephora.The gene conferring the resistance was localized within an 11 cM segment.It is concluded that the locus carries a major resistance gene designated Ck-1,which is likely to be synonymous to the T gene described in previous studies.
机译:炭疽菌(Colletotrichum kahawae)引起的咖啡浆果病(CBD)是非洲阿拉伯咖啡(Coffea arabica)生产的主要制约因素。对该病产生抗药性的一个原因是阿拉伯咖啡和C.canephora及其衍生物之间的天然种间杂种。这项研究旨在破译宿主抗药性的遗传基础并鉴定与其相关的分子标记。CBD是一种成熟阶段疾病,在没有成熟作图人群的情况下,需要及早发现作图个体的疾病反应表型。2通过两步法从耐Cvatmor(抗性)和Cv.SL28(易感)杂交的F2种群中筛选抗性。首先,在发芽后6周,通过向病原菌接种下胚轴来筛选每个种群的一半。 (G1)被认为是抗病的,与其他未筛选的一半(G2)一起在苗圃中饲养。第二,一年后,对所有幼苗(G1 + G2)进行筛选分别对G1和G2的56株和95株幼苗中的57个微卫星和31个AFLP标记进行了分析。鉴定了8个AFLP和两个与抗性表型紧密相关的微卫星,并将其定位到一个独特的染色体片段上赋予抗性的基因位于一个11 cM片段内。结论是该基因座带有一个主要的抗性基因Ck-1,可能与先前研究中描述的T基因同义。



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