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A new class II rice chitinase, Rcht2, whose induction by fungal elicitor is abolished by protein phosphatase 1 and 2A inhibitor


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Among the four classes of chitinase, a class II chitinase had not yet been reported for rice. This paper reports the isolation and characterization of a class II acidic chitinase, Rcht2, from rice (Oryza sativa cv. Cheongcheongbyeo). The protein consists of a single polypeptide chain of 261 amino acid residues and includes a putative signal sequence of 29 amino acids at its N-terminus. It has a calculated molecular mass of 27 642 Da and an isoelectric point of 5.56. The Rcht2 chitinase lacks the cysteine-rich and hinge domains in the N-terminal region of the protein, which is the criterion for its classification as a class II chitinase. Comparison of the genomic and the cDNA sequence revealed that the coding region of Rcht2 consists of three exonsof 301, 112 and 370 bp separated by two introns of 89 and 984 bp. In suspension-cultured rice cells, the transcript level of Rcht2 was dramatically increased by treatment with both glycol chitin and fungal elicitor (derived from the cell wall fraction of Magnaporthe grisea). The application of protein phosphatase 1 and 2A inhibitors, calyculin A and okadaic acid, effectively abolished the induction of Rcht2 in response to fungal elicitor. In contrast, the activation of Rcht2 transcript was not inhibited by both cycloheximide and protein kinase inhibitors. These results demonstrate that protein dephosphorylation events play a crucial role in the elicitor-mediated induction of Rcht2 in rice cells, while de novo protein synthesis is not required for induction. Nucleotide sequence data have been submitted to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases under the accession numbers L40338 (cDNA clone) and L40336 (genomic clone).
机译:在四种几丁质酶中,尚未报道大米的II类几丁质酶。本文报道了从水稻(Oryza sativa cv。Cheongcheongbyeo)中分离出II类酸性几丁质酶Rcht2的特性。该蛋白质由261个氨基酸残基的单条多肽链组成,并在其N端包含29个氨基酸的推定信号序列。它的计算分子量为27 642 Da,等电点为5.56。 Rcht2几丁质酶在蛋白质的N末端区域缺少富含半胱氨酸和铰链的结构域,这是将其分类为II类几丁质酶的标准。基因组和cDNA序列的比较表明,Rcht2的编码区由301、112和370 bp的三个外显子组成,被两个89和984 bp的内含子隔开。在悬浮培养的水稻细胞中,Rcht2的转录水平通过乙二醇几丁质和真菌引发剂(来源于稻瘟病菌的细胞壁部分)处理而显着增加。蛋白磷酸酶1和2A抑制剂,钙网蛋白A和冈田酸的应用有效地消除了对真菌激发子的Rcht2诱导。相反,环己酰亚胺和蛋白激酶抑制剂均未抑制Rcht2转录物的激活。这些结果表明,蛋白质去磷酸化事件在诱导剂介导的水稻细胞中Rcht2的诱导中起着至关重要的作用,而从头合成不需要蛋白质合成。核苷酸序列数据已以登录号L40338(cDNA克隆)和L40336(基因组克隆)提交给EMBL / GenBank / DDBJ数据库。



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