首页> 外文期刊>Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments >Fades of Devonian fore reef limestones: a quantitative study (Iberg Reef, Harz Mts., Germany)

Fades of Devonian fore reef limestones: a quantitative study (Iberg Reef, Harz Mts., Germany)


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Facies in a 238-m-long core drilled through the fore reef of the Devonian (Givetian-Frasnian) Iberg Reef is largely characterised by detrital deposits. Fibrous, early marine cements are common. Stromatoporoids, corals, and crinoids are the dominant reef-building taxa. Brachiopods, cephalopods, and conodontophorids belong to the reef dwellers. Reef destroyers include gastropods and rare echi-noids. Quantitative analysis of abundance data allows for dilineation of five facies including detritus-rich grainstones-rudstones, cement- and detritus-rich grainstones-radstones, cement-rich rudstones, stromatoporoid rudstones, and cri-noid grainstones. Time-series analysis indicates cyclic sedimentation that might have been related to mid-late Devonian third-order sea-level variations. However, the long-term (mid-Devonian to Early Carboniferous) development of the Iberg Reef including the post-reef seamount stage was presumably controlled by subsidence.
机译:在泥盆纪(纪梵蒂冈-弗拉西尼亚)伊贝格礁的前礁钻出的长238 m的岩心,其主要特征是碎屑沉积。纤维状的早期海洋水泥很常见。基质类,珊瑚和海百合是主要的造礁类群。腕足类,头足类和壳突类动物属于珊瑚礁居民。珊瑚礁破坏者包括腹足动物和稀有棘皮动物。通过对丰度数据进行定量分析,可以划分出五个相,包括碎屑富集的砂岩—鲁斯特石,水泥富集和碎屑的砂岩—rad石,水泥富集的砂岩,叠层多孔的砂岩和crinoid砂岩。时间序列分析表明,周期性泥沙沉积可能与泥盆纪中晚期三阶海平面变化有关。但是,伊伯格礁的长期(德文纪中期至石炭纪中期)发展(包括礁后海山阶段)大概是由沉降控制的。



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