首页> 外文期刊>Plant Systematics and Evolution >Genetic diversity, population structure and phylogenetic inference among Italian Orchids of the Serapias genus assessed by AFLP molecular markers

Genetic diversity, population structure and phylogenetic inference among Italian Orchids of the Serapias genus assessed by AFLP molecular markers


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The means by which new species arise remain a fundamental question in the Orchid family evolution. Even if the Orchid-pollinator interactions are highly specific, events of cross-hybridization in Serapias are possible and represent a central issue of the plant's evolutionary biology. Italian Orchids have a wide variety of pollination systems and highly diverse floral traits, considered as some of the main tools for activating the speciation processes. The assess of diversity in Serapias taxa and eventual phylogenetic relationships among Serapias lingua, S. parviflora, S. vomeracea, S. apulica, S. nurrica, S. neglecta, S. cordigera, S. politisii, and some putative inter-specific hybrids were investigated at the DNA level by AFLP markers. The present molecular study on Serapias populations (1) confirms some previous finding, (2) opens new hypotheses on the possible evolutionary and taxonomic relationships existing among the Serapias species, and (3) gives indications about the real consistence of hybrid individuals in a genus characterized by a relevant gene flow.
机译:新物种的产生方式仍然是兰花家族进化中的一个基本问题。即使兰花与授粉的相互作用具有很高的特异性,塞拉皮亚羚羊的杂交也可能发生,这代表了植物进化生物学的核心问题。意大利兰花具有各种各样的授粉系统和高度多样的花卉特征,被认为是激活物种形成过程的主要工具。评估Serapias类群中的多样性以及Serapias lingua,S。parviflora,S。vomeracea,S。apulica,S。nurrica,S。neglecta,S。cordigera,S。politisii和某些推定的种间杂种之间的最终系统发育关系通过AFLP标记在DNA水平上进行了研究。目前对Serapias种群的分子研究(1)证实了一些先前的发现,(2)对Serapias物种之间可能存在的进化和分类学关系开辟了新的假设,并且(3)给出了杂种个体在属中的真正一致性的迹象。以相关的基因流为特征。



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