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Evaluation of fungicides for control of Sclerotinia drop of lettuce Waynesville


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The experiment was conducted at the Mountain Research Station in Waynesville, NC (N35°29.335'; W082°58.122'). Plots were bare ground double row beds on 42-in. centers, 20-ft long with 5-ft fallow borders at each end and non-treated guard rows on each side. The previous year the field was planted with lettuce followed by sunflowers with wheat as a cover crop. Lettuce was seeded in the greenhouse on 13 Feb and transplanted in the field on 10 Apr in double rows spaced 12-in. apart with 12-in. plant spacing within the row (40 plants/plot). Irrigation and fertilization were applied via drip tape below the soil surface. Treatments were randomized into four complete blocks. On 24 Apr, plots were infested by spreading and incorporating 100cc of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum infested oat grain into the top inch of soil between the rows. Fungicide treatments were applied using a CO_2-pressurized backpack sprayer equipped with a 2-nozzle (19-in. spacing) handheld boom with hollow cone nozzles (TXVS-26) delivering 40 gal/A at 45 psi. Applications were made on a 14-day interval: 25 Apr and 8 May. Lettuce drop incidence was evaluated on 1, 8, 15, 22 and 30 May and 6 and 13 Jun. Disease incidence was assessed as the number of plants collapsed or diseased due to S.sclerotiorum. Data was analyzed in the software ARM (Gylling Data Management, Brookings, SD) using analysis of variance (AOV) and the Waller-Duncan test to separate means.
机译:该实验在北卡罗来纳州韦恩斯维尔的山地研究站(N35°29.335'; W082°58.122')进行。地块为42英寸裸露的双排床。中心,长20英尺,两端各有5英尺的休耕边界,两侧均未经处理。前一年,该田里种植了生菜,然后种了向日葵,并以小麦作为农作物。生菜于2月13日在温室中播种,并于4月10日以12英寸的双行方式在田间移栽。除12英寸外。行内的植物间距(40个植物/地块)。通过滴灌带在土壤表面以下进行灌溉和施肥。治疗被随机分为四个完整的区块。 4月24日,通过在行之间的土壤的上一英寸中传播和掺入100cc菌核病菌侵染的燕麦籽粒来侵染该地块。使用配有2喷嘴(19英寸间距)手持动臂的CO_2加压背负式喷雾器进行杀菌剂处理,手持动臂带有空心锥喷嘴(TXVS-26),在45 psi下提供40 gal / A的流量。申请时间为14天:4月25日和5月8日。在5月1日,8月15日,22日和30日以及6月6日和13日对生菜掉落率进行了评估。疾病发生率的评估是由于核盘菌倒下或患病的植物数量。使用方差分析(AOV)和Waller-Duncan检验来分离均值,在软件ARM(Gylling Data Management,Brookings,SD)中对数据进行了分析。



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