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Analgesic use in dentistry in a tertiary hospital in western Nepal.


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The present study had been planned to determine the pattern of drug utilization of analgesics (non-opioid and opioid analgesics) in dental outpatients in a referral hospital in western Nepal. A total of 1820 prescriptions of dental patients attending the dental outpatient at Manipal Teaching Hospital (MTH), Fulbari, Pokhara, Nepal were collected by a random once-weekly survey between March 2001 and February 2002. The analgesic-containing prescriptions (n = 1346) were separated from the total prescriptions collected. This information was compiled, scored and analyzed in consultation with dentists using WHO guidelines. There were more female patients (56%) than male patients (44%) in this study. The dental disorders most frequently reported in our study were diseases of pulp and periapical tissue (36.5%), gingivitis and periodontal diseases (28.5%) and dental caries (16%) etc. In total, 74% prescriptions contained analgesics which are the second-most commonly prescribed drugs after anti-microbials (44.9%) in dental OPD. The total analgesics prescribed were 1358 that account for 36.7% of total drugs prescribed. Only 5 and 37.8% of analgesics were prescribed generically and from the essential drug list of WHO respectively. All the analgesics were administered orally which included 89.7 and 10.3% of non-opioid analgesics and opioid analgesics (propoxyphene and dextropopoxyphene) respectively. The average duration of analgesic use was 3.5 +/- 0.3 days. The most commonly prescribed non-opioid analgesic was ibuprofen (41%) followed by nimesulide (22%). A total of 38.9% analgesics were fixed-dose combinations (FDCs) of two drugs and the most common analgesic combination used was ibuprofen + paracetamol and paracetamol + opioid analgesics. All opioid analgesics were prescribed in combination with paracetamol (10.3%) only. In total, 1.6% analgesics were prescribed concomitantly with gastroprotective agents. All gastroprotective agents (n = 22) were prescribed concomitantly with opioid analgesics only. No gastroprotective was used when NSAIDs were prescribed alone or in combination with paracetamol. Our present study indicate that all the analgesics were prescribed in oral dosage forms but analgesics prescribed in generic name (5%) and from essential drug lists (37.8%) were very less. There was an inclination to prescribe the older non-opioid analgesics. Selection of analgesics was quite rational in our study but some lacunae were observed. A total of 38.9% analgesics were FDCs and most common FDC analgesics were ibuprofen + paracetamol. Avoiding unnecessary FDCs may help in reducing prescribing costs because FDCs usually cost more than single ingredient preparations. It is best to avoid combination therapy with more than one non-opioid analgesic; there is little evidence of extra benefit to the patient and the incidence of side effects generally is additive. Prescribing generic names aids in avoiding confusion and minimizing the costs. In the present study, coprescription of gastroprotective agents with analgesic use was low compared to a previous study but when opioid analgesics were prescribed, concurrent use of gastroprotective agents were irrational as opioid analgesics usually decrease the secretion of hydrochloric acid. It is also surprizing that, no gastroprotective was used when NSAIDs were prescribed alone, irrespective of sex, age, dose or duration or type of NSAID treatment in our study. There is a clear need for the development of prescribing guidelines and educational initiatives to encourage the rational and appropriate use of analgesics in dentistry. Copyright (c) 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:本研究已计划确定尼泊尔西部转诊医院牙科门诊患者使用镇痛药(非阿片类药物和阿片类镇痛药)的方式。在2001年3月至2002年2月之间,通过每周一次的随机每周调查,总共收集了1820例在尼泊尔博克拉Fulbari的Manipal教学医院(MTH)的牙科门诊就诊的牙科患者的处方。含止痛药的处方(n = 1346) )与收集的总处方分开。使用WHO指南与牙医协商后,对这些信息进行汇编,评分和分析。在这项研究中,女性患者(56%)比男性患者(44%)多。在我们的研究中,最常报告的牙齿疾病是牙髓和根尖周疾病(36.5%),牙龈炎和牙周疾病(28.5%)和龋齿(16%)等。总共,有74%的处方药中含有镇痛药,其次是-牙科OPD中除抗菌剂外最常用的处方药(44.9%)。处方的止痛药总数为1358,占处方药总数的36.7%。一般和世卫组织基本药物清单中仅开出了5%和37.8%的镇痛药。所有的镇痛药均口服给药,分别占非阿片类镇痛药和阿片类镇痛药(丙氧芬和右旋苯氧芬)的89.7和10.3%。平均使用镇痛药的时间为3.5 +/- 0.3天。最常用的非阿片类镇痛药是布洛芬(41%),其次是尼美舒利(22%)。两种药物的固定剂量组合(FDC)占38.9%的镇痛药,最常用的镇痛药是布洛芬+扑热息痛和扑热息痛+阿片类镇痛药。所有阿片类镇痛药仅与对乙酰氨基酚(10.3%)合用。总共有1.6%的镇痛药与胃保护剂同时服用。所有胃保护剂(n = 22)仅与阿片类镇痛药同时开处方。当单独或与扑热息痛合用NSAID时,不使用胃保护药。我们目前的研究表明,所有的止痛药均以口服剂型开出,但以通用名(5%)和基本药物清单(37.8%)开出的止痛药很少。倾向于开处方较早的非阿片类镇痛药。在我们的研究中,镇痛药的选择相当合理,但观察到了一些不足。总共38.9%的镇痛药为FDC,最常见的FDC镇痛药为布洛芬+扑热息痛。避免不必要的FDC可能有助于降低处方费用,因为FDC通常比单一成分的制备成本更高。最好避免与一种以上非阿片类镇痛药合用;几乎没有证据表明对患者有额外好处,并且副作用的发生率通常是累加的。规定通用名称有助于避免混淆并最大程度地降低成本。在本研究中,与以前的研究相比,使用镇痛药的胃保护剂的共同处方量低,但是当开处方阿片类镇痛药时,由于同时使用阿片类镇痛药通常会减少盐酸的分泌,因此不合用胃肠道保护剂。令人惊讶的是,在我们的研究中,单独使用NSAID时不使用胃保护剂,无论其性别,年龄,剂量或疗程或NSAID治疗的类型如何。显然需要制定处方指南和教育计划,以鼓励在牙科领域合理和适当地使用止痛药。版权所有(c)2004 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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