首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety >Utilization and costs of conventional and alternative pharmaceuticals in children: results from the German GINIplus and LISAplus birth cohort studies.

Utilization and costs of conventional and alternative pharmaceuticals in children: results from the German GINIplus and LISAplus birth cohort studies.


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The socioeconomic determinants for drug utilization, especially in children, have not been investigated sufficiently so far. The study's aim was the estimation of prevalences and determinants of conventional, homeopathic and phytotherapeutic drugs and expenditures.Population-based data on drug utilization of 3,642 children in two German birth cohorts (GINIplus and LISAplus, 10-year follow-up) were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. For analysis, the reported drugs (use within the last four weeks) were classified into the therapeutic categories of 'conventional medicine', 'homeopathy', 'phytotherapy' and 'others'. Drug costs were estimated using pharmaceutical identification numbers.In all, 42.3% of the children reported drug use; 24.1% of the drugs were homeopathic and 11.5% were phytotherapeutic. The proportion of children who took at least one homeopathic remedy was 14.3%. Drugs prescribed by physicians were dominated by conventional medicine (76.5%), whereas in non-prescribed drugs, both homeopathy and conventional medicine accounted for 37% each. Boys (OR?=?0.78) used less homeopathy than girls. Income showed only a weak influence. Education had a strong effect on the use of phytotherapy such that children of mothers with higher school education (>10?years vs. <10?years) used more phytotherapy (OR?=?2.01). If out-of-pocket payments arose (n?=?613), the mean was ?20. On average, total drug expenditures summed up to ?39 in 4 weeks for drug users if only clearly identifiable prices for drugs were considered (58% of all data).Utilization of homeopathy is common in children from the analyzed cohort. User profiles of homeopathy and phytotherapy differ from each other and should be analyzed separately.
机译:到目前为止,尚未充分研究毒品使用的社会经济决定因素,尤其是在儿童中。这项研究的目的是评估常规,顺势疗法和植物疗法药物的流行率和决定因素以及支出情况。通过收集两个德国出生队列(GINIplus和LISAplus,为期10年的随访)中3,642名儿童的基于药物使用的数据,自行管理的问卷。为了进行分析,将报告的药物(最近四周内使用)分类为“常规药物”,“顺势疗法”,“植物疗法”和“其他”的治疗类别。药物费用是使用药物识别号估算的。共有42.3%的儿童报告了药物使用情况; 24.1%的药物是顺势疗法的,而11.5%的是植物治疗的。至少接受过一种顺势疗法的儿童比例为14.3%。医师开出的药物以常规药物占主导(76.5%),而在非处方药物中,顺势疗法和常规药物均占37%。男孩(OR = 0.78)使用的顺势疗法比女孩少。收入仅显示出微弱的影响。教育对植物疗法的使用产生了强烈影响,因此,受过较高教育的母亲的孩子(> 10?岁vs. <10?岁)使用了更多的植物疗法(OR?=?2.01)。如果出现了自付费用(n = 613),则平均值为20。如果仅考虑清楚可辨认的药品价格(在所有数据中占58%),则平均而言,吸毒者在4周内的总药品支出总计为39欧元。在所分析的人群中,顺势疗法在儿童中很普遍。顺势疗法和植物疗法的用户资料互不相同,应分别进行分析。


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