首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety >Reporting of adverse drug reactions: predictors of under-reporting in Malaysia.

Reporting of adverse drug reactions: predictors of under-reporting in Malaysia.


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BACKGROUND: Malaysia like many other countries worldwide uses spontaneous reporting systems as a mean of collecting data on suspected adverse drug reaction (ADR). However, compared to other countries, which use the system, the reporting rate in Malaysia is very low. Why some physicians do not report ADRs is not well understood. OBJECTIVE: To identify factors, which would predict physicians' failure to send ADR reports. DESIGN AND SETTING: Face-to-face interview using a structured questionnaire involving physicians working at the University of Malaya Medical Centre, Malaysia. RESULTS: About a third of the physicians in the Centre participated. Sixty-five of the 415 approached refused to participate. A high proportion of the respondents (81.4%) indicated that they had suspected an ADR but did not report it, while about 40% of the respondents were not aware of the existence of the national reporting system in Malaysia. Logistic regression modelling identified the variable 'ADR considered to be too trivialor too well known to report' as the strongest predictor of not reporting, followed by physicians' category and uncertainty that the reaction had been definitely caused by a drug. CONCLUSION: Important predictor variables, which limit physicians from reporting ADR in Malaysia, were related to uncertainty of types of reaction to report, lack of awareness about the existence, function and purpose of national ADR reporting. The findings could be useful for planning strategies to improve the reporting rate.
机译:背景:马来西亚像世界上许多其他国家一样,使用自发报告系统来收集有关可疑药物不良反应(ADR)的数据。但是,与使用该系统的其他国家相比,马来西亚的报告率非常低。为什么一些医生不报告ADR尚不清楚。目的:确定可预测医师无法发送ADR报告的因素。设计与设置:使用结构化的问卷进行面对面的采访,涉及在马来西亚马来亚大学医学中心大学工作的医生。结果:该中心约三分之一的医生参加了会议。 415架飞机中有65架拒绝参加。很大比例的受访者(81.4%)表示他们怀疑ADR但没有报告,而大约40%的受访者并不知道马来西亚存在国家报告系统。 Logistic回归模型确定变量“认为ADR过于琐碎,难以报告”是不报告的最强预测指标,其次是医生的类别和不确定性,肯定是药物引起的。结论:重要的预测变量限制了医生在马来西亚报告ADR,这与报告反应类型的不确定性,对国家ADR报告的存在,功能和目的缺乏了解有关。该发现可能对规划策略以提高报告率很有用。



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