首页> 外文期刊>Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences >Students’ Motivational Profiles Changes in an Academic Setting: A Longitudinal Study a Longitudinal Study

Students’ Motivational Profiles Changes in an Academic Setting: A Longitudinal Study a Longitudinal Study




The purpose of the present study was to examine, longitudinally, the number and structure of motivational profiles in a sample of students at the beginning and the end of the academic year. A total of 141 undergraduate students of Azerbaijan University of Tarbiat Moallem were randomly selected to participate in this longitudinal survey. The subjects answered to the Motivation Types in the Classroom Questionnaire in the first days of entering the university and at the end of the first academic year. Motivational profiles were formed by using K-means clustering procedure. The results showed that two motivational clusters emerged at the beginning and the end of academic year. The first cluster represented a constructive motivational profile and the second one showed a negative motivational state. Furthermore, the frequency of students in the first cluster reduced significantly at the end of the academic year compared to the beginning of the academic year (P 0.05).
机译:本研究的目的是从纵向上检查学年开始和结束时学生样本中的动机档案的数量和结构。随机选择了阿塞拜疆塔比亚特穆阿莱姆大学的141名本科生参加这项纵向调查。在进入大学的第一天和第一学年末,受测者回答了课堂问卷中的动机类型。动机档案是通过使用K-均值聚类程序形成的。结果表明,在学年的开始和结束时出现了两个动机集群。第一个集群表现出建设性的动机形象,第二个集群表现出消极的动机状态。此外,与学年初相比,第一类学生的频率在学年末显着减少(P <0.05)。



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