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Dutch and English toddlers' use of linguistic cues in predicting upcoming turn transitions




Adults achieve successful coordination during conversation by using prosodic and lexicosyntactic cues to predict upcoming changes in speakership. We examined the relative weight of these linguistic cues in the prediction of upcoming turn structure by toddlers learning Dutch (Experiment 1; N = 21) and British English (Experiment 2; N = 20) and adult control participants (Dutch: N = 16; English: N = 20). We tracked participants' anticipatory eye movements as they watched videos of dyadic puppet conversation. We controlled the prosodic and lexicosyntactic cues to turn completion for a subset of the utterances in each conversation to create four types of target utterances (fully incomplete, incomplete syntax, incomplete prosody, and fully complete). All participants (Dutch and English toddlers and adults) used both prosodic and lexicosyntactic cues to anticipate upcoming speaker changes, but weighed lexicosyntactic cues over prosodic ones when the two were pitted against each other. The results suggest that Dutch and English toddlers are already nearly adult-like in their use of prosodic and lexicosyntactic cues in anticipating upcoming turn transitions.
机译:成人通过使用韵律和词汇句法提示来预测演讲者即将发生的变化,从而在对话过程中成功地进行了协调。我们通过学习荷兰语(实验1; N = 21)和英式英语(实验2; N = 20)以及成人对照组(荷兰语:N = 16;英语:N = 16;英语:N = 16;英语:N = 16;英语:N = 16;英语:N = 16;英语:N = 16; N = 16; N = 16; N = 16; N = 16; N = 16; N = 16; N = 20; N = 16; Nb = 16英语:N = 20)。在观看参与者观看二进木偶对话的视频时,我们跟踪了他们的预期眼动。我们控制了韵律和词汇句法提示,以使每次对话中一部分话语的完成转向以创建四种类型的目标话语(完全不完整,语法不完整,韵律不完整和完全完成)。所有参与者(荷兰语和英语蹒跚学步的成年人)都使用了韵律和音符提示来预测即将到来的说话者变化,但是当两者相互抵触时,要比韵律的提示音更权衡。结果表明,荷兰语和英语的幼儿在预测即将到来的转弯过渡时使用韵律和词汇句法提示已接近成人。



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