首页> 外文期刊>ournal of the Meteorological Society of Japan >Effects of Combined Teleconnection Patterns on the East Asian Summer Monsoon Circulation: Remote Forcing from Low- and High-Latitude Regions

Effects of Combined Teleconnection Patterns on the East Asian Summer Monsoon Circulation: Remote Forcing from Low- and High-Latitude Regions




Using the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis (ERA-40) data, we examined two summertime teleconnection patterns, the Europe-Japan (EJ) and the Pacic-Japan (PJ) patterns, which prevail over northern Eurasia and the western North Pacic, respectively, and high lighted the effects of the combination of the two on the East Asian summer monsoon variability on a high frequency (HF) component (sub-monthly timescales) and a low-frequency (LF) component (longer than about one month).The combination of positive EJ type 2 (EJ2+), which particularly accounts for the variability of the Ok hotsk high among the two types of EJ pattern (EJ type 1 and EJ type 2), and negative PJ (PJ-) patterns establishes a noticeable tripole structure in the mid-tropospheric geopotential height eld of East Asia that is characterized by two positive anomalies over the Okhotsk Sea and the western North Paci c to the north of the Philippines and a negative anomaly over Japan. It is found that the combination of both pat terns, EJ2+/PJ-, leads to a larger surface temperature decrease in the northeastern part of East Asia than a single teleconnection pattern alone, having a substantial impact on the East Asian summer monsoon circulation. The LF-combination also induces signicant cool sea surface temperature anomalies in the vicinity of Japan. In the HF-combined case, the time evolution of a positive height anomaly over the Ok hotsk Sea considerably differs from that of the LF-combined one. The HF-anomaly is extremely displaced eastward to the Aleutian Islands a few days after the peak day and occupies part of a newly organized wavetrain pattern across the central North Pacic. Further development of the wavetrain pattern may be attributed to anomalous convective heating related to enhanced synoptic-scale disturbances to the east of Japan.Both the LF-EJ2+ and LF-PJ- patterns tend to appear frequently during the post-1980 period, and, as a result, the number of LF-combined cases may have increased in the last two decades. Exceptionally cool summers with signicant amounts of rainfall, particularly in Japan, such as the 1993 and 2003 summers, often arise from such an LF-combination.
机译:使用欧洲中距离天气预报中心(ECMWF)重新分析(ERA-40)数据,我们研究了两个夏季遥距连接模式,欧洲-日本(EJ)和太平洋日本(PJ)模式,它们在欧亚大陆北部占主导地位和北太平洋西部分别突出显示了两者的结合对东亚夏季风季风变异性的影响(高频分量)(每个月的时间尺度)和低频分量(LF)(大于大约一个月)。正EJ 2型(EJ2 +)的组合,尤其是在两种EJ模式(EJ 1型和EJ 2型)和负PJ( PJ-)模式在东亚对流层中位势高度场上建立了一个明显的三脚架结构,其特征是鄂霍次克海和菲律宾北部的北太平洋西部有两个正异常,而日本则有一个负异常。结果发现,两种模式的结合,EJ2 + / PJ-,导致东亚东北部地区的地表温度下降幅度大于单独的单个遥相关型,这对东亚夏季风环流有重大影响。 LF组合还会在日本附近引起明显的凉爽海面温度异常。在HF组合的情况下,鄂霍次克海正高度异常的时间演化与LF组合的时间演化有很大不同。高峰日后的几天,HF异常极度东移至阿留申群岛,并占据了北太平洋中部新组织的波列模式的一部分。波列模式的进一步发展可能归因于与日本东部天气尺度尺度干扰增强有关的对流异常加热.LF-EJ2 +模式和LF-PJ-模式在1980年后时期都倾向于频繁出现,并且结果,在最近的二十年中,LF合并病例的数量可能有所增加。这种低频组合通常会导致异常寒冷的夏季,且降雨量很大,尤其是在日本,例如1993年和2003年夏季。



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