首页> 外文期刊>SAGE Open >Philosophical Embodiments in Igbo Music: An Analysis of Mike Ejeaghaa??s a??Populara?? Folk Songs Style

Philosophical Embodiments in Igbo Music: An Analysis of Mike Ejeaghaa??s a??Populara?? Folk Songs Style

机译:伊博音乐中的哲学体现:Mike Ejeaghaa的?? Populara ??的分析民歌风格



The omnipresence of music in the human society and its utilitarian stance in the human life make the study of its philosophical tilt a necessity. Although the functionality of music can be ascertained from a myriad of perspectives, it is in the textual content and performance practices of folk songs that the general world view of a people is exposed. Through contemplation, appreciation, and analytical approaches, this research report reveals some of the set ideas, views, opinions, beliefs, and norms of the Igbo about the cosmos, nature, and providence, embodied in the folk songs of Mike Ejeaghaa??a folkloric popular musician of that regional extraction.
机译:音乐在人类社会中的无处不在及其在人类生活中的功利主义立场使得研究其哲学倾向性成为必要。尽管可以从多种角度确定音乐的功能,但是在民歌的文本内容和演奏实践中,人们的总体世界观得以展现。通过沉思,欣赏和分析方法,本研究报告揭示了伊博族关于波斯菊,自然和天意的一些既定思想,观点,观点,信念和规范,体现在迈克·埃杰哈(Mike Ejeaghaa)的民歌中。那个地区的民俗流行音乐家。



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