首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Building Education >Innovación docente y profesión. Competencias y metodologías activas en áreas técnicas = Teaching innovation and profession. Skills and active methodologies in technical studies

Innovación docente y profesión. Competencias y metodologías activas en áreas técnicas = Teaching innovation and profession. Skills and active methodologies in technical studies




The issues related to the construction sector, in the last years has caused the loss of contact and relationship, between the professional and the academic sector, moving further away the interest of the former because they have to find solutions, for the loss of activity and economic solvency, harming the latter because to offer quality formation, is necessary to have contact with reality and have all sort of experiences where all parties are involved. The proposed objectives are established in a double aspect, the one oriented to the teaching activity and the one oriented to the training and professional activity. For this purpose in the project, a procedure is designed in which the academic development is combined with the skills and experience acquired during its realization, with concrete cases, in a direct and real form, trying to convey that beyond the academic success, the companies and in general the labour market are looking for professionals with important technical knowledge and competent capacity oriented to obtaining results. The methodology consisted in the development of different phases, each of them with different actions and procedures, all linked to professional development in the context of engineering and architecture, generating diverse documentation. The improvement of the results obtained in the evaluation carried out after the application of the methodology described, during the three previous courses has allowed to conclude after the analysis carried out that the knowledge and the practical application of the competences constitutes a magnificent practice and teaching achievement, in able to provide our students with theoretical and practical training in areas common to the subjects in which they are applied, in order to prepare future skilled professionals in the domain of the most specific, efficient and demanded activities, advocating for the main requirements of our University: quality and excellence.



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