首页> 中文期刊> 《管子学刊》 >《战国策·齐策》蕴涵的东夷文化




Compiled by national historians or counselors of the Warring States Period , Strategies of the Warring Sates reflects the characteristics of national traditions and shows some regional character-istics .The regional culture embodied in Qi Ce is distinctively different from those in other sections , which can be explained by the huge variety of cultural elements embodied its cultural origins . Qi is w here the Dongyi clan lived for generations ,and thus retained some of the cultural evidence of that culture .The warrior ethos ,the marriage customs and the legacy of divination etc .are the expressions of this origin .%由战国时期各国史官或策士辑录而成的《战国策》,折射出各国传统文化的特征并显现出一定的地域文化特色。《齐策》中体现的地域文化也鲜明地异于它策,然而这种有其深厚的文化渊源的地域文化蕴含着多种文化元素。齐国乃东夷族世代居住之地,在意识形态领域保留了东夷文化的基础,东夷文化是它的源头。在《齐策》中东夷文化主要体现为:尚武的风习;古老的婚恋习俗以及占卜的遗风等。



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