




We build on the Maddison GDP data to assemble international time series from before 1914 on real per capita personal consumer expenditure, C. We also improve the GDP data in many cases. The C variable comes closer than GDP to the consumption concept that enters into usual asset-pricing equations. (A separation of consumer expenditure into durables and non-durables is feasible for only a minority of cases.) We have essentially full annual data on C for 22 countries and GDP for 35 countries, and we plan to complete the long-term time series for a few more countries. For samples that start as early as 1870, we apply a peak-to-trough method for each country to isolate economic crises, defined as cumulative declines in C or GDP by at least 10%. The principal world economic crises ranked by importance arc World War II, World War I and the Great Depression, the early 1920s (possibly reflecting the influenza epidemic of 1918-20), and post-World War II events such as the Latin American debt crisis and the Asian financial crisis. We find 87 crises for C and 148 for GDP, implying disaster probabilities around 3.6% per year. The disaster size has a mean of 21-22% and an average duration of 3.5 years. A comparison of C and GDP declines shows roughly coincident timing. The average fractional decline in C exceeds that in GDP during wartime crises but is similar for non-war crises. We simulate a Lucas-tree model with I.I.d. growth shocks and Epstein-Zin-Weil preferences. This simulation accords with the observed average equity premium of around 7% on levered equity, using a "reasonable" coefficient of relative risk aversion of 3.5. This result is robust to a number of perturbations, except for limiting the sample to non-war crises, a selection that eliminates most of the largest declines in C and GDP. We plan a statistical analysis that uses all the time-series data and includes estimation of long-run effects of crises on levels and growth rates of C and GDP. We will also study the bond-bill premium (empirically around 1%) and allow for time-varying disaster probabilities.
机译:我们以麦迪逊(Madison)GDP数据为基础,以1914年之前的国际时间序列为基础,以人均实际个人消费支出C为基础。 C变量比GDP更接近进入通常的资产定价方程式的消费概念。 (在少数情况下,将消费支出分为耐用品和非耐用品是可行的。)我们基本上有22个国家/地区的C年度数据和35个国家/地区的GDP的年度数据,我们计划完成长期的时间序列对于其他一些国家。对于早在1870年开始的样本,我们对每个国家/地区采用峰谷法来分离经济危机,经济危机的定义是C或GDP累计下降至少10%。世界经济危机中按重要性排序的主要事件是第二次世界大战,第一次世界大战和大萧条,1920年代初(可能反映了1918-20年的流感流行)以及第二次世界大战后的事件,例如拉丁美洲债务危机以及亚洲金融危机。我们发现C造成87次危机,GDP造成148次危机,这意味着每年发生灾难的可能性约为3.6%。灾难规模的平均值为21-22%,平均持续时间为3.5年。 C与GDP下降的比较显示出大致一致的时机。在战时危机中,碳的平均下降幅度超过了GDP的平均下降幅度,但对于非战争危机而言,相似。我们用I.D.模拟卢卡斯树模型。增长冲击和爱泼斯坦-辛维尔的偏好。该模拟使用相对合理的3.5的相对风险厌恶系数,与杠杆权益的平均权益溢价约为7%。除了将样本限制在非战争危机之外,该结果对许多扰动都是鲁棒的,该选择消除了C和GDP的最大跌幅。我们计划使用所有时间序列数据进行统计分析,并包括评估危机对碳和GDP的水平和增长率的长期影响。我们还将研究债券收益率(经验值约为1%),并考虑随时间变化的灾难概率。



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