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Perspective from U.S. Naval Academy Leadership


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ANA: With graduation over, what will be your strategic priorities for USNA going forward? VADM Buck: I have four, longstanding strategic priorities, which I added to in March due to COVID-19, as I want to ensure that the Naval Academy is a safe place for everyone now and going forward re-opening the Yard in stages, conducting Plebe summer, re-forming the Brigade in mid-August, and then beginning fall semester. That said, my core priorities are to: 1. Re-baseline Resources. Re-baseline the USNA operating budget to ensure we have the funds necessary to provide robust educational, leadership, training, and sports programs. In parallel, re-baseline the infrastructure budget and projects to replace a number of old systems and repair many historic buildings, ensuring that the Academy remains mission-capable and can support new programs that will keep us on the cutting edge.
机译:ANA:毕业,乌斯纳前进的战略优先事项将是什么? VADM BUCK:我有四个,长期的战略优先事项,我在3月份加入到Covid-19,因为我想确保海军学院是现在的每个人都是一个安全的地方,并在阶段前进重新打开院子,开展Plebe夏天,在8月中旬重新形成旅,然后从秋季学期开始。也就是说,我的核心优先事项是:1。重新基准资源。重新基准亚马目的运营预算,以确保我们拥有提供强大的教育,领导,培训和体育计划所需的资金。同时,重新基准基础设施预算和项目来取代许多旧系统并修复许多历史建筑,确保学院仍然能够使特派团能够支持,并可以支持将让我们保持在前沿的新计划。


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    《Wings of Gold》 |2020年第4期|43-43|共1页
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