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Perspective from U.S. Naval Academy Leadership


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ANA was interested in hearing CAPT Bernacchi's perspective on teaching leadership, mentoring, and educating Midshipmen "on the Yard".This is your first assignment at the Naval Academy. What are your impressions since arriving in early 2019?It's been really enjoyable, equally busy and rewarding, and it doesn 't take long to get that Blue and Gold blood flowing in your body. I'm continually impressed with the pace and rigor of a Midshipman s daily schedule of academics, military duties, and athletics. What was it like to step out of a Fleet cockpit after two decades of flying? Bittersweet for sure. I feel incredibly fortunate for the flying opportunities that I've had, and certainly flying my last thousand hours with the Blue Angels was an amazing privilege. But more to that point, every flight in an aircraft that says "Navy " or "Marines " on the side, whether operationally or in training, is absolutely a privilege. My last flight in a Navy jet was in a VX-23 Super Hornet, but one of the cool things about being here at USNA is that those of us wearing gold wings have the opportunity to fly as CFIs for what we call VT-NA, and the Powered Flight Program, in which we typically take about 130 Midshipmen who have never flown, and get them to a solo flight in a Piper Warrior in ten FAM flights that are very similar in format and standards to what they will experience when they get to primary in the T-6.
机译:ANA对听证伯纳奇奇的教学领导,指导和教育Medspshmen“在院子里的教育中有兴趣。这是您在海军学院的第一个任务。 2019年初抵达以来你的印象是什么?真的很愉快,同样忙碌和有益,而且需要很长时间才能让蓝色和金色的血液流入你的身体。我对学术界,军事职责和田径运动的日间日程安排的步伐和严谨留下了深刻的印象。在二十年的飞行后,它是什么喜欢走出舰队驾驶舱?苦味们肯定。对于我所拥有的飞行机会,我感到非常幸运,并且当然与蓝色天使迈出一千个小时是一个惊人的特权。但更多的是,这一点来说,在一方面说“海军”或“海军陆战队”的每种航班,无论是在线或培训,都是一种特权。我上次在海军喷气式飞机中飞行是一个VX-23超级大黄蜂,而是关于在乌斯纳的那些很酷的事情之一就是我们穿着金翅膀的那些有机会为我们所谓的vt-na来飞行,和动力的飞行计划,其中我们通常需要大约130个从未飞行的中间船员,并在十家的航班中将他们的独奏飞行送到一个非常相似的格式和标准,他们将在他们得到的情况下非常相似在T-6中初次。


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    《Wings of Gold》 |2020年第3期|49-49|共1页
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