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Microbiological Quality Assessment of Watershed Associated with Animal-Based Agriculture in Santa Catarina, Brazil


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Environmental problems many times could evolve when manure-containing pathogens are distributed into an open environment with no effort made to reduce the content of pathogens or limit their movement in the environment. Wind, surface flow, and subsurface flow can all carry enough pathogens to receiving waters to exceed water quality standards. This study was conducted to assess the microbiological quality of water associated with animal-based agriculture in the sub-basin of Pinhal River located in the rural area of Concordia, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Six sampling points representing different agricultural land uses (LU1—dairy cattle; LU2—without animals; LU3—dairy + pigs + poultry + crops; LU4—pigs + poultry + crops; LU5—dairy + pigs + poultry + crops + human; and LU6—dairy+pigs+crops) along the Pinhal River sub-basin (north to south) were sampled biweekly from August 2006 to December 2008. Concentrations of fecal coliforms and Escherichia coli varied significantly (p ≤ 0.05) with land use (LU), but there was no interaction effect of LU, season, and time. Water samples from the catchment area of LU1 had the highest concentration of fecal coliforms (4,479 ± 597 CFU ml−1) when compared with other catchment areas. Catchment area associated with LU2 (no animal) had the lowest concentrations of fecal coliforms (39.2 ± 5.2 CFU ml−1). With the exception of LU2 (control site), all the maximum concentrations of E. coli exceeded the single maximum allowable concentration for E. coli (100 CFU ml−1). When LU1 was compared with other catchment areas (LU3, 50%; LU4, 67%; LU5, 58%; and LU6, 44%), it had the lowest counts (39%) of Salmonella sp. Our results suggest that spatial pattern of bacterial water quality is evident, which can be linked to the different land uses and associated practices (present or absent of animal activities). Therefore, varying responses associated with the different land uses would be critical in identifying the importance of different sources of bacteria in the catchment area and the mechanisms transferring them.
机译:当将含粪便的病原体分配到开放的环境中,而没有努力减少病原体的含量或限制其在环境中的移动时,环境问题可能会发展许多次。风,地表流和地下流都可以将足够的病原体携带到接收水中,从而超过水质标准。这项研究的目的是评估位于巴西圣卡塔琳娜州康科迪亚农村地区的Pinhal河子流域与动物农业有关的水的微生物质量。六个代表不同农业土地用途的采样点(LU1 –奶牛; LU2 –不带动物; LU3 –乳品+猪+家禽+农作物; LU4–猪+家禽+作物; LU5–乳品+猪+家禽+农作物+作物+人;以及从2006年8月至2008年12月,每两周采样一次沿Pinhal河次流域(北至南)的LU6(奶牛+猪+农作物)。粪便大肠菌和大肠杆菌的浓度随土地利用(LU)的变化而显着变化(p≤0.05)。 ,但LU,季节和时间都没有交互作用。与其他集水区相比,LU1集水区的粪便大肠菌群浓度最高(4,479±597 CFU ml -1 )。与LU2相关的集水区(无动物)的粪便大肠菌浓度最低(39.2±5.2 CFU ml -1 )。除LU2(对照位点)外,所有大肠杆菌的最大浓度均超过了大肠杆菌的单个最大允许浓度(100 CFU ml -1 )。当将LU1与其他集水区(LU3,50%; LU4,67%; LU5,58%; LU6,44%)进行比较时,沙门氏菌的计数最低(39%)。我们的结果表明,细菌水质的空间格局是显而易见的,这可以与不同的土地利用和相关实践(动物活动的存在或不存在)相关。因此,与不同土地用途相关的不同响应对于确定集水区中不同细菌来源及其传播机制的重要性至关重要。



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