首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology >Microbiological Evaluation of Artisanal Food Quality and of Good Manufacturing Practice in Agroindustries of the Far West Region of Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil

Microbiological Evaluation of Artisanal Food Quality and of Good Manufacturing Practice in Agroindustries of the Far West Region of Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil




The foodborne diseases are responsible for high economic looses and expressive social problems, which makes the microbiological quality of foods an important aspect of public health. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) training courses have been used in order to prevent foodborne diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbiological quality of artesian food and evaluation of good manufacturing practice in the far west region of Santa Catarina, Brazil. 88 samples of food of animal origin (meat products, fish and fishery products and cattle milk and derivatives) originated and marketed by agroindustries in this region were collected. Microbiological analysis was carried out in accordance with the recommendation and requirement of the RDC 12, from January 2001 and the methodology prescribed by Instruction No. 62, from August 26th, 2003 by the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply. Afterwards, the evaluation of good manufacturing practice in these establishments was done. Then, the training at the University's Microbiology laboratory was carried out based on practical and theoretical instructions for 8 hours. From the 88 samples analysed, 21 (23.86%) were within the allowed standards established by legislation. Of those, 13 (14.77%) were from meat and meat products (salami, sausage, bacon, black pudding and crackling) and 8 (9.09%) cattle milk products (cheese, pasteurized heavy cream, cream chesse and milk). The fish and fishery products were not contaminated. The most frequent isolated microorganisms were fecal coliforms, which 10 (47.62%) samples had contaminations above the allowed standard, followed by positive Staphylococcus coagulase 07 (33.33%) samples, and 4 (19.05%) were contaminated by both microorganisms. Salmonella sp., Listeria monocytogenes and Clostridium suphate-reducers were not isolated in any sample analysed. Good manufacturing practices were evaluated by applying a "check list", elaborated in accordance to the recommendations of the RDC No. 275 Resolution from October 21st, 2002. Through this questionnaire it was shown that 53.65% of agroindustries were appropriated to the legislation, 27.73% were not in accordance and for 18.33% of the industries it was not possible to evaluate, due to not performing the activities described in the "check list". Thus, there is a need to maintain training programs for producers in order to improve the microbiological quality of foods produced by such agroindustries and marketed in the region.
机译:食源性疾病是造成高经济松动和富有表现力的社会问题的原因,这使食品的微生物质量成为公共卫生的重要方面。已使用良好生产规范(GMP)培训课程来预防食源性疾病。这项研究的目的是评估巴西圣卡塔琳娜州西部地区自流食品的微生物质量并评估良好生产规范。收集了该地区农产工业生产和销售的88种动物源性食品(肉制品,鱼和渔产品以及牛乳及其衍生物)的样品。微生物分析是根据2001年1月RDC 12的建议和要求以及巴西农业,畜牧与供应部2003年8月26日第62号指令中规定的方法进行的。之后,对这些企业的良好生产规范进行了评估。然后,根据实践和理论指导在大学微生物学实验室进行了8小时的培训。在分析的88个样本中,有21个(23.86%)符合法律规定的允许标准。其中有13种(14.77%)来自肉类和肉类产品(萨拉米,香肠,培根,黑布丁和脆皮)和8种(9.09%)牛乳产品(奶酪,巴氏杀菌重奶油,国际象棋奶油和牛奶)。鱼和渔产品未受到污染。最常见的分离微生物是粪便大肠菌,其中10个样品(47.62%)的污染物高于允许的标准,其次是阳性葡萄球菌凝固酶07(33.33%)样品,其中4个样品(19.05%)被这两种微生物污染。在任何分析样品中均未分离出沙门氏菌,单核细胞增生性李斯特菌和减水梭状芽孢杆菌。通过应用根据2002年10月21日RDC第275号决议的建议制定的“检查表”来评估良好的生产规范。通过该调查表,可以看出,有53.65%的农用工业适用于该法规,27.73 %不符合,由于没有执行“检查表”中所述的活动,因此有18.33%的行业无法评估。因此,有必要维持针对生产者的培训计划,以提高由这种农用工业生产并在该地区销售的食品的微生物质量。



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