首页> 外文期刊>VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations >Is Business Discourse Colonizing Philanthropy? A Critical Discourse Analysis of (PRODUCT) RED

Is Business Discourse Colonizing Philanthropy? A Critical Discourse Analysis of (PRODUCT) RED

机译:商业话语是对慈善事业的殖民化吗? (PRODUCT)RED的批评性话语分析

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Increasingly, traditional notions of philanthropy are colonized by a market discourse that promotes consumption as an effective way to solve social ills, resulting in what scholars have termed “marketized philanthropy.” This paper examines the implications of marketized philanthropy through a discourse analysis of the (PRODUCT) RED campaign benefiting the Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis in Africa through consumption of (RED)-branded products. This paper explores the implications of a business-oriented model of philanthropy for bringing about social change, the repercussions of campaigns like (RED) that explicitly shed the label of philanthropy; and how they impact political engagement.
机译:传统的慈善观念越来越多地被市场话语所殖民,这种话语促进消费成为解决社会弊病的有效方法,因而被学者称为“市场化的慈善事业”。本文通过对(PRODUCT)RED活动的话语分析,研究了市场化慈善事业的意义,该活动使全球基金受益于通过消费(RED)品牌产品抗击非洲的HIV / AIDS,疟疾和结核病。本文探讨了面向商业的慈善模式对实现社会变革的意义,诸如(RED)之类的运动对慈善的标签产生了明显的影响。以及它们如何影响政治参与。



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